Different Modalities In The Management Of Ocular Surface Squamous Neoplasia


  • Margi Thakkar (3rd year resident, M. S. Ophthalmology),Cornea Department,Nagri Eye hospital and research centre ,NHL medical college ,Elisbridge Ahmedabad pin 380006
  • Nidhi Patel (3rd year resident, M. S. Ophthalmology ),Cornea Department,Nagri Eye hospital and research centre ,NHL medical college ,Elisbridge Ahmedabad pin 380006
  • Reema Raval (Associate Professor) ,Cornea Department,Nagri Eye hospital and research centre ,NHL medical college ,Elisbridge Ahmedabad pin 380006
  • Dipali Satani (Professor and Head of Cornea Department, C.H. Nagri Eye Hospital) Cornea Department,Nagri Eye hospital and research centre ,NHL medical college ,Elisbridge Ahmedabad pin 380006




ocular surface squamous neoplasia(OSSN), modality of management, result


Purpose: To study the different modalities in the management of Ocular Surface Squamous  Neoplasia(OSSN). Method: A prospective study of 30 cases of OSSN was undertaken. Based on patient factors and  tumour size and characteristics , 20 patients underwent surgical excision with cryotherapy and 10  patients were managed conservatively with topical interferon therapy. Patients were followed up for a  period of nine months. Results: OSSN is more common in males (80%) with mean age of 55 years (range 30-76 years).  Histopathology report of excision biopsy showed 6 benign dysplasia, 8 carcinoma in situ and 6  invasive squamous carcinoma. Postoperative topical interferon reduced the risk of recurrence. Of the patients who underwent interferon therapy, complete resolution was seen in 6 cases. Conclusion : Management of OSSN requires adequate excision and regular follow up to monitor any  recurrence. Although surgical excision is still the gold standard for OSSN treatment, topical  interferon has revolutionised the management of OSSN. Pre and Post operative adjunctive therapy  should be considered to prevent recurrence.


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Topical Interferon or Surgical Excision for theManagement of Primary Ocular Surface Squamous Neoplasia ,Mar ch 2008Ophthalmology 115(8):1297-302, 1302.e1



How to Cite

Different Modalities In The Management Of Ocular Surface Squamous Neoplasia . (2022). Indian Journal of Applied-Basic Medical Sciences, 24(38), 203-209. https://doi.org/10.48165/ijabms.2022.243823