Authors Guideline



Title: Title of the paper

  • Authors Name: [Author's Name]
  • Designation: [Author's Designation]
  • Organization: [Organization Name]
  • Official Address: [Official Address]
  • Personal Address: [Personal Address]
  • Contact Number (Official & Personal): [Contact Numbers]
  • E-mail address: [Email Address]


Should contain in brief - objective, research questions, methodology, findings, and suggestions.

5-6 keywords: [Keywords]

Word Limit: 250-300 words.


Copy: Soft copy to be forwarded to the email id mentioned below.

Format: A-4 Size, MS-Word

Word Limit: Not to exceed 5000 words

Font: Times New Roman

Font Size: Heading - 14, Text - 12

Margin: 1.5-inch on all four sides

Line Spacing: 1.5


Title: Title should not be more than 6-8 words.

Definitions: Paper should be clear and concise with proper definitions for specialized terms.

Sections: Introduction, Objectives, Research Question/Hypotheses, Methodology, Findings/Results, Conclusion/Recommendations, and Limitations.

Annexure: Tables, Charts, Graphs, Quotations, Equations, Articles should be numbered, cited, and referenced properly.

Abbreviations: Any abbreviations used should be written in full at first followed by the abbreviations in parenthesis.

References: The American Psychological Association (APA) format should be used in referencing. The maximum number of references may not exceed 100.

Foot Note: Should be numbered consecutively in the text and should be typed on the same page they are denoted.

Declaration: Author must declare originality of work. The article should not have been published or be submitted for publication elsewhere. Plagiarism similarity index should be less than or equal to 15%.

The contributions sent for publication will be referred for review. Correspondence and proofs for corrections, if required, will be sent to the first named author. Unless otherwise indicated, corrected version should be returned within 10 days.