Male Sexual Abuse


  • Mansi Dabas BA.LLB, VIIth Semester Student, Trinity Institute of Professional Studies, Dwarka affiliated to GGSIPU


Norms, society, harassments, sexual assault


Whenever we talk about sexual assault/harassment, it is generally another women being  assaulted. The only concern lies with women and no other gender specifically. Norms, society,  principles, statistics states that more of women in need, if we compare the information related  harassments it will always be women. The only possible assumption about not being much  concerned about men is the world has still not accepted that something this can happen to a  male. A lot of comparisons are made but no recent studies are found as an accurate proof,  especially in country like India. This study confirms that a male sexual abuse is a prevalent  problem. It is also evident that victimized men were depressed and yet do not seek health  services. Efforts should make to reach men with a history of sexual assault.  

