Role of gender in perceived time pressure among young consumers in Odisha


  • Pramod Kumar Nayak Assistant Professor, Trinity Institute of Professional Studies, Dwarka, New Delhi
  • Sathya Swaroop Debashish Associate Professor, Dept. of Business Administration, Utkal University, Odisha



Perceived Time pressure, Psychological factor, Gender


Every consumer whether male or female when purchases a  product or when in the decision making phase for purchasing a  product passes through some process of mental decision  comprising of the choice sets to reach at the correct decision. As  a general practice, apart from the information gathering about the  product, the decision making i.e. mental process are influenced  by psychological variables also. This paper aims at finding  whether the psychological factor 'Perceived Time Pressure'  differing across genders. The difference of psychological factor  perceived time pressure among the male and female young  consumers of Odisha are examined in this study and it has been  observed that 'Perceived Time Pressure' psychological factor  differs between male and female consumer. This study of  psychological aspect 'Perceived Time Pressure' across genders  will help in understanding the consumer decision making and  behaviour of male and female consumers. 



How to Cite

Role of gender in perceived time pressure among young consumers in Odisha . (2018). Trinity Journal of Management, IT & Media (TJMITM), 9(1), 3-6.