Ethics and Malpractice

Ethics and Malpractice Statement for the Research Journal of Bhartiya Sciences


The Research Journal of Bhartiya Sciences is dedicated to maintaining the highest ethical standards in publishing, rooted in the principles of the Bhartiya Knowledge System and aligned with the guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). This document details the ethical expectations and malpractice prevention policies for all participants in the publication process: authors, editors, reviewers, and the publisher.

General Principles

  1. Satya (Truthfulness) and Integrity

    • Accuracy: Authors must present accurate, honest, and complete accounts of their research. Any form of data fabrication, falsification, or selective reporting is prohibited.
    • Originality: All submissions must be original works. Plagiarism, including self-plagiarism, is strictly forbidden.
  2. Ahimsa (Non-violence) and Respect

    • Humane Research Practices: Research involving human or animal subjects must adhere to ethical standards that ensure respect and welfare. Necessary approvals and informed consent must be obtained and documented.
    • Respect for Intellectual Property: Proper citation and acknowledgment of all sources and contributions are mandatory.
  3. Tapas (Self-discipline) and Responsibility

    • Authorship: Only individuals who have significantly contributed to the research and manuscript should be listed as authors. All authors share responsibility for the content.
    • Conflicts of Interest: Authors must disclose any potential conflicts of interest that could influence the research or its interpretation.
  4. Swadharma (Duty) and Accountability

    • Reviewers' Conduct: Reviewers must conduct fair, objective, and timely reviews, maintaining confidentiality and avoiding any personal biases or conflicts of interest.
    • Editors' Responsibilities: Editors are responsible for making impartial decisions based on the manuscript's quality and relevance. They must ensure a transparent and unbiased peer review process.

Ethical Oversight

  1. Reporting Misconduct:

    • Suspected ethical breaches or misconduct should be reported to the editorial office. All allegations will be investigated thoroughly and fairly, following COPE guidelines.
  2. Handling Complaints:

    • Complaints regarding ethical concerns or malpractice will be addressed promptly. The journal will follow COPE’s procedures to ensure fair and transparent resolution.
  3. Corrections and Retractions:

    • Errors discovered post-publication will be corrected through errata or corrigenda. If fraud or significant ethical breaches are confirmed, retractions or expressions of concern will be issued.
  4. Education and Training:

    • The journal will provide ongoing education and resources on ethical publishing practices for authors, reviewers, and editors, fostering a culture of integrity and responsibility.


The Research Journal of Bhartiya Sciences is committed to upholding the principles of the Bhartiya Knowledge System and the ethical guidelines established by COPE. By adhering to these standards, we aim to ensure the integrity, transparency, and credibility of our scholarly publications.