Author Guidelines

Manuscript Layout:
The MS should be processed in A4 size paper, double spaced, 12pts, 30 lines per page with 5.0 cm margin on left and 2.5cm on three other side, the lines preferably numbered. The number of pages may preferably be restricted to 15 (4500 Words) including tables, figures, etc., four(1500 Words) for short communications and 25 (7500 Words) for a critical review articles. Please enclosed a list of all figures with their legends on a separate page; the same applies to the tables. Indicate their preferred placement on the MS, if you so desire. Please number figures and tables consecutively as they appear on the text. The name of the first author, a short title and a figure number must appear in the back side of the page, the top of the figure being indicated by an arrow.

Manuscript sequence

Top sheet:
Should include title of MS in bold face with first letter in capital, followed by names of authors with surname followed by first and middle name, address of author, corresponding author with complete postal address and e-mail ID, phone and fax number, an abbreviated title of MS(not exceeding 50 alphabets), acknowledgements, if any.

Start page 1 with the title, followed by an abstract which should be simple, meaningful and devoid of text references. Only important results should be presently numerically in the abstract; no abbreviation or statistical details please. Provided maximum of 7 keywords, not overlapping with the title both for original MS and critical reviews, but not for short communications.

Page2 and following:
The text should be stitched properly according to the category, i.e., for original articles, introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, acknowledgement, literature cited, figures and tables.

Give the objective of the investigation and a brief statement of previous relevant works. Chemical structures should be numbered in bold Arabic numerals(1,2) and submitted as figures.

Materials and Methods:
State briefly, in sufficient details to permit the work to be repeated, the methods and materials used. Only new techniques need to be described in details and methods should be adequately cited. If modified, the authority for modification must be cited, or if modified by the author himself, sufficient details be provided.

Present these concisely without repeating methods, using tables and figures for clarity. Do not list the results again in text. Give adequate indication of the level of experimental error and statistical significance of the results wherever possible. Use of specific media for quantitative recovery should give efficiency for recovery. No attempt should be made to interpret the results in this section.

This section should present a concise interpretation of the results obtained without repeating earlier sections. The interpretation should be evaluated against earlier, similar work done elsewhere. In a last paragraph one may attempt to draw one's conclusion(s) from the presentation.

Should be kept to the maximum and written only in the top sheet.

Literature cited:
These should be checked carefully and confirm to style. Thus, in the text reference to unpublished work should be cited as (Khatua DC, unpublished) or (Pan SK 2005 pers comm). Publised references should be cited in text as (Brown & Dasgupta 1935; Snyder 1963; Das et al. 2002) or Pandey (1945) or Srivastava & Misra (1986) or Agnihotri et al. (1973). In other words up to two authors give the name; for more than two, give the name of the first author followed by 'et al.'.

Under the main section of Literature Cited, references should be cited in an alphabetical order, e.g., Authors, Years, title of paper, name of journal in full(italicized), volume number(bold face), colon, pages (x-y). When in the same year the same author has published more than one paper, the letters, b, c… after the year may be inserted to distinguish them. The references should be cited as:

Bridge J. 1996 Nematode management in sustainable agriculture. Annual review of Phytopathology 34:201-25.

Sharma P Dureja P. 2004 Evaluation of Trichoderma harzianum……..interface. Journal of mycology and Plant pathology 34:47-56.

Virk PS Khush GS Peng S, 2004 breeding to enhance……..approch. International Rice Research Notes 29:5-9

Broghe K Chet Holiday M Crestman R. Biddle P.1991 Transgenic plants ……….fungal pathogen. Science 254:1194-97.

Agrios GN. 1997 Plant Pathology, 4th Ed. Academic Publisers, New York, 635 pp.

Alexopoulos CJ Mins CW Blackwell M 1996 Introductory Mycology, 4th Ed. John Wiley, New York, 868pp.

Edited Books:
Horsfall JS Cowling EB(Eds). 1980 Plant disease - An advanced treatise, Vol. 5 Academic Press, New York,

Chapters in edited books:
Rabbinge R. 1992 Options for ………Europe, pp 211-28. In biological control and integrated crop protection(Eds Van Laeterven JC Minks AK de Ponti OMB) Wageningen Pundoc,239 pp.

Online citation:
Beckleheimer J. 1994 How do you cite URLs in bibliography? [www.document] URL

Keep them to a minimum. Make sure the data cannot be better represented through narration. Do not repeat both. Keep number of columns keep as few as possible. Avoid vertical and horizontal lines except at top and bottom. The concise title and other essential details as foot notes(marked 1,2…as superscript) should be self explanatory.U nits should appear in parenthesis at column's heading.

Include only if essential and number line drawings, figures and photoghaphs in a single sequence in order of appearance of Arabic numerals(1,2,3…..).Use essential details in the legends. Write authors names, title of paper in back of each illustration using a soft 2B pencil.Photomicrographs must have a scale bar.All legends should be continued in one list and typed in a separate sheet. In electronic format save each figure as a separate file, in.eps, .ps, .pdf or tif when a MS is accepted for publication and include a source file.Write on the disk, the software package used to create the files.Reproduction of photographs already printed will not be accepted. Line drawings should be in a form suitable for direct reproduction, not larger than A4, supplied as original drawings in black ink with stenciled lettering on plane white paper or as high quality laser or ink jet prints.Hand written lettering is not acceptable. Colour print charges will be intimated when a MS is accepted for publication.

On graphs include units on axes. Units should be in the same form as used in text. Data point should preferably carry error bars where appropriate. Please do not use patterns; rough hatching is possible.

Line drawing and figure should all require same degree of reduction and all characters must be chosen so that after reduction they are at least 1.5mm in height. The type space of the journal is approximately 172 mm wide;240mm deep in two columns, each 81cm wide and characters, therefore, should be large enough to be legible after reduction of figure to column width.

Rules of biological nomenclature should preferably be followed. As a general guide The CBE manual for authors, Editors and publisers: Scientific style and format(6th Ed 1994; Council of biology editors, Inc., Chicago IL 60603 USA) is recommended.

Enzyme Nomenclature:
Preferably see

Scientific names:
Citation for authorities for binomial is mandatory and restricted to first use.

Suggested websites are:

For Bacteria:

For viruses:

For fungi:

For insects: Common names of insects and related organisms can be used to verify insects names including nematodes.

Symbols, Formulae and equations:
Write These with great care using SI Units and symbols where possible (See British Standards Publication PD 5686, 1972;part 1 of BS 1991:1976). Common units include:concentration gm3,mgL-1(not ppm nor g/cu m/, not%w/w nor%w/v);morality M(not normality); pressure as Pa of mm Hg(not psi nor torr).

Critical reviews:
Authors wishing to submit a critical review should first submit an outline proposal to with cc to

Short Communication:
Write the title of the communication in boldface. Title with first letter capital followed by name of author (last, Initial of first and middle names), address of the corresponding author and email ID).

Arrange the text into a short paragraph on introducing the problems and objectives of experimentation; a second paragraph briefly on materials and methods used and then the results and discussion in the next ones without using any subheads. Number the citation 1,2,3……….and cite them after the running script according to the number in the style mentioned for full MS without the title of the cited papers. Routine germplasm test results in the field, in vitro pesticide efficacy assessment tests, nutritional studies of fungal pathogens, or their routine in vitro growth parameters are not acceptable. They may, however, be routed to the short research notes column of the NEWSLETTER, if the author(s) feels there is relevance to plant protection. Confirmed results of artificial inoculation and protection in any form, however, will be accepted. Tables, Figures, and Nomenclature should follow the same guidelines given for the full MS.