Decades of researches in biochemical and molecular nematology at IARI


  • A K Ganguly Division of Nematology, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi-110012
  • Uma Rao Division of Nematology, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi-110012



Enzymes, RNAi, antibodies, resistance gene, DNA sequence


Like any other branch of Agricultural Sciences, the Division of Nematology at IARI, initiated researches in the exciting field of biochemistry and molecular biology of plant parasitic nematodes during the early seventies of last century. The main research areas were biochemical mechanism of resistance against phytonematodes and diagnostics of economically important plant parasitic nematodes.


Baum TJ Hiatt A Parrott WA Pratt LH Hussey RA. 1996 Expression in tobacco of a monoclonal antibody specific to stylet secretions of the root-knot nematode. Molecular Plant Microbe Interactions 9: 382-87.

Blok VC. 2005 Achievements in and future prospects for molecular diagnostics of plant-parasitic nematodes. Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology 27:176-85.

Burrows PR De Waele D. 1997 Engineering resistance against plant parasitic nematodes using antinematode genes. In: Cellular and molecular aspects of plant nematode interaction Fenoll et al., (Eds.) pp. 217-36. Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Cai D Kleine M Kifle S Harloff HJ Sandal NN Marcker KA Klein Lankhorst RM Salentijn EM Lange W Stickema WJ Wyss M Grundler FMW Jung C. 1997. Positional cloning of a gene for nematide resistance in sugarbeet, Science 275: 832-34.

Carneiro RMDG Almeida MRA Gomes ACMM Hernandez A. 2005 Meloidogyne izalcoensis n. sp (Nematoda: Meloidogynidae), a root-knot nematode parasitising coffee in EI Salvador, Nematology 7:819-32.

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Carneiro RMDG Randig O Almeida MRA Goncalves W. 2005 Identification and characterization of Meloidogyne species on coffee from Sao Paulo and Minas Gerais States of Brazil using esterase phenotypes and SCAR-PCR multiplex. Nematologia Brasilera 29:233-41.

Dasgupta DR Ganguly AK. 1975 Isolation, purification and characterization of a trypsin-like protease from the root knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita. Nematologica 21:370-84.

Ernst K Kumar A Kriseleit D Kloos DU Phillips MS Ganal MW. 2002 The broad-spectrum potato cyst nematode resistance gene (Hero) from tomato is the only member of a large gene family of NBS-LRIZ genes with an unusual amino acid repeat in the LRR region. Plant Journal 31 : 127-36.

Fairbairn David Cavallaro J Antonino Bernard S Margaret Mahalinga-Iyer Graham Janani W Michael R Jose Botella 2007 Host-delivered RNAi: an effective strategy to silence genes in plant parasitic nematodes. Planta (Springer). DOI 10.1007/s00425-007-0588-x.

Fioretti L Porter A Haydock PJ Curtis R. 2002 Monoclonal antibodies reactive with secreted-excreted products from the amphids and the cuticle surface of Globodera pallida affect nematode movement and delay invasion of potato roots. International Journal of Parasitology 32: 1709-18.

Ganguly AK Dasgupta DR. 1989 Note on some enzyme profiles from three species of root knot nematode, Meloidogyne spp. Indian Journal of Nematology 19: 291-93.

Ganguly AK Dasgupta DR Rajasekhar SP. 1990 b-esterase variation in three common species of Heterodera. Indian Journal of Nematology, 20: 113-14.

Hiatt A Cafferkey R Bowdish K. 1989 Production of antibodies in transgenic plants. Nature (London) 342: 76-78.

Hussey RS. 1989 Disease inducing secretions of plant parasitic nematodes. Annual Review of Phytopathology 27: 123-41.

Milligan SB Bodeau J Yaghoobi J Kaloshlan I Zabel P Williamson, VM. 1998 The root-knot nematode resistance gene Mi from tomato is a member of the leucine zipper, nucleotide binding, leucine-rich repeat family of plant genes. Plant Cell 10: 1307- 19.

Paal J Henselewski H Muth J Meksem K Menendez CM Salamini F Ballvora A Gebhardt C. 2004 Molecular cloning of the potato

Gro 1-4 gene conferring resistance to pathotype Ro 1 of the root cyst nematode Globodera rostochiensis, based on a candidate gene approach. Plant Journal 38:285-97.

Premachandran D Dasgupta DR. 1983 A theoretical model for plant nematode interaction. Review de Nematologie 6: 311- 14

Rosso MN Dubrana MP Clmbotini N Jaubert S Abad P. 2005 Application of RNA Interference to root-knot ;Nematode genes Encoding Esophageal Gland Proteins. Molecular Plant Microbe Interactions Vol. 18, No.17, 2005 pp. 615-20.

Rao Uma Ganguly Sudarshan Vyas RV Ganguly AK. 2002 Molecular characterization of Steinername thermophilum. Ganguly and Singh (Nematide Steinernematidae. International Journal of Nematology 12: 215-19.

Rao Uma Prasad KSK Ganguly AK Koushal KK. 2002 Utility of a molecular diagnostic method for potato cyst nematode (Globodera pellidea and Globodera rostochiensis) of Nilgiri hills. Indian Journal of Nematology 32: 165-68.

Rao Uma Suchitra Ahlawat, Anand Kumar and Ganguly AK. 2003 Molecular characterization of Meloidogyne incognita races based on DNA sequences of internal transcriber spacers of ribosomal DNA. Indian Journal of Nematology 33(2): 105- 10.

Subbotin SA Halford PD Perry RN. 1999 Identification of populations of potato cyst nematodes from Russia using protein electrophoresis, rDNA-RFLPs and RAPDs. Russian Journal of Nematology 7: 57-63.

Urwin PE Lilley CJ Atkinson HJ. 2000 Ingestion of double stranded RNA by preparasitic juvenile cyst nematodes leads to RNA interference. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 15: 747-52.

Van der Vossen EAG Van der Voort J Kanyuka K Bendahmane A Sandbrink H Baulcombe DC Bakker J Stiekema WJ Klein Lankhorst RM. 2000 Homologues of a single resistance-gene cluster in potato confer resistance to distinct pathogens: a virus and a nematode. Plant Journal 23: 567-76.

Vain P Worland B Clarke MC Richard G. Beavis M Liu H Kohli A Leech M Snape J Christou p Atikinson H. 1998 Expression of an engineered cystein proteinase inhibitor (Oryzacystatin 1 D86) for nematode resistance in transgenic rice plants. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 96: 226-27.

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Waeyenberge L Ryss A Moens M, Pinochet J Vrain TC. 2000 Molecular characterization of 18 Pratylencbus species using rDNA restriction fragment length polymorphism. Nematology 2:135-42.

Wendt KR Swart A Vrain TC Webster JM. 1995 Ditylenchus africanus sp.n. from South-Africa, a morphological and molecular characterization. Fundamental and Applied Nematology 18:241-50.

Yadav BC Veluthambi K Subramaniam K. 2006 Host-generated double-stranded RNA induces RNAi in plant-parasitic nematodes and protects the host from infection. Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology 148: 219-22.

Zijlstra C Donkers-Venne DTHM Fargette M. 2000 Identification of Meloidogyne incognita, M. javanica and M. arenaria using sequence characterized amplified region (SCAR) based PCR assays. Nematology 2:847- 53.



How to Cite

Decades of researches in biochemical and molecular nematology at IARI . (2020). The Journal of Plant Protection Sciences, 1(1&2), 1-8.