Biopesticides for crop growth and crop protection


  • M B Meah IPM Lab, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh 2202, Bangladesh



Garlic and allamanda tablets, biopesticides, bioagents, vegetable diseases


Tablets made of garlic bulbs and allamanda leaves tremendously increased germination and reduced damping-off, seed rot, seedling blight and tip over of vegetables (egg-plant, tomato, chilli) in the nursery and leaf blight, anthracnose, fruit rot, root knot and leaf curl/mosaic of tomato and carrot in the field. Aqueous solution of garlic and allamanda tablet sprayed at 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:4, 1:5 conc. increased seed germination by 45-60%, completely eliminated damping-off, seedling blight and tip over and increased seedling vigour by 22-50%. The tablets retained the similar range of action over aging up to 90 days. Both garlic and allamanda tablets displayed similar inhibitory action against damping-off and seedling blight pathogens, Phomopsis vexans and Sclerotium rolfsii. In the field, garlic and allamanda spray reduced leaf blight severity by 84-86% and fruit rot by 91%. Severities of nematode and virus infection were also reduced significantly with allamanda spray. Active compounds in allamanda leaves have been separated and identified. Formulated trichoderma effectively controlled soil-borne diseases including root-knot nematode. Mahogany oil spray reduced infestation of stem borer, leaf hoppers of rice; shoot & fruit borer of brinjal and fruit flies of vegetables. Biopesticides (formulated trichoderma) and bio-agents (bracon, trichogramma, ladybird beetle) and sex pheromone are in the pipeline for commercial use.




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How to Cite

Biopesticides for crop growth and crop protection . (2021). The Journal of Plant Protection Sciences, 2(1), 19-32.