Aulacophora sp. (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) - a new pest on Som (Persea bombycina) and Soalu (Litsaea monopetala) in Kalimpong Hills


  • M D Maji Regional Sericultural Research Station, Kalimpong-734301, India
  • C Maji Regional Sericultural Research Station, Kalimpong-734301, India
  • B B Bindroo Central Sericultural Research and Training Institute, Berhampore-742101, India



relationship, symptoms, assamensis


Muga, the golden-yellow silk is obtained from  semi-domesticated silkworm called Antheraea  assamensis Helfer. Muga culture is an age-old  practice in the Brahmaputra valley of Assam.  However, in recent years production of muga  silkworm seed crops is adversely affected in  Assam with the rise of temperature due to  global warming. Kalimpong (latitude 27°06 N, longitude 88°47 E, 1247 m above msl) is one of the potential zones for production of muga  seed during June-July and August September  crop. Accordingly, primary food plant of  muga silkworm (Antheraea assamensis Helfer) viz. Som [Persea bombycina (King ex  Hook. f.) Kosterm] (Family: Lauraceae)] and  Soalu [Litsaea monopetala (Roxb) Pearson]  (Family: Lauraceae) has been raised in large  scale on the hilly terraces of Kalimpong. The  food plants are usually attacked by many  pests like shoot borer, trunk borer, leaf min ers, leaf galls, mealy bugs (3).


1. Chanthy P Belfield S Martin R. 2010 Austra lian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR), Commonwealth of Australia, 132 p.

2. May AWS. 1946 Queensland Agricultural Journal 62: 137-50.

3. Rajesh Kumar Rajkhowa G Dhar NJ Ra jan RK. 2011 Munis Entomolgy and Zoology . 6(1): 173-75.

4. Singh D Gill CK. 1979 Indian Journal of En tomology 44: 294-95.

5. Sinha AK Krishna SS. 1969 Journal of Eco nomic Entomology 62: 512-13.



How to Cite

Aulacophora sp. (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) - a new pest on Som (Persea bombycina) and Soalu (Litsaea monopetala) in Kalimpong Hills . (2022). The Journal of Plant Protection Sciences, 4(1), 63-65.