A simple technique for preservation of female perineal pattern of Meloidogyne spp.


  • Matiyar Rahaman Khan Department of Agricultural Entomology, Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Mohanpur, Nadia-741235, West Bengal, India,




aluminium, glycerine mounted, Meloidogyne


Morphology of female perineal pattern (area  around anus and vulva) of the root knot nema tode (Meloidogyne spp.) is studied to identify  the species under the genus as this was origi nally proposed by Chitwood (2). Several at tempts (7,8,6,4,3) have been made to improve  the technique for preparation and photograph ing of perineal patterns of Meloidogyne spp.  Most of the cases cuticular patterns are photo graphed to record the morphological charac ters therein and stored for a short period and  later disposed off. However, preservation of  the patterns for subsequent study is much not  known to those working with routine identifica tion of Meloidogyne spp. In fact, the patterns on  the Meloidogyne spp. female perineum disappear  with the time due to dehydration and decaying of  adhering body tissues.


1. Byrd DW Kirkpatrick T Barker KR. 1983 Journal of Nematology 15: 142–43.

2. Chitwood BG. 1949 Proceedings of Helmintho logical Society of Washington 16: 90–104.

3. Daykin ME Hussay RS. 1985 An Advanced Trea tise on Meloidogyne. Volume II: Methodology (Eds KR KR Carter CC Sasser JN), North Carolina State University Graphics, Raleigh, USA, 223pp.

4. Eisenback JD. 2010 A new technique for photo graphing perineal patterns of root-knot Nematodes. Journal of Nematology 42:33–34.

5. Sasser JN. 1954 Identification and host-parasite relationships of certain root-knot nematodes. (Meloidogyne spp.). Maryland Agriculture Experi mental Station, A-77 (Tech.), 31p.

6. Taylor AL Netscher C. 1974 Nematologica 20: 2.

7. Taylor AL, Dropkin VH Martin GC. 1955. Phyto pathology 45: 26–35.

8. Triantaphyllou UC Sasser JN. 1960 Phytopathol ogy 50: 724–35.



How to Cite

A simple technique for preservation of female perineal pattern of Meloidogyne spp . (2024). The Journal of Plant Protection Sciences, 6(1), 35-36. https://doi.org/10.48165/