Sub-chronic administartion of Jojoba oil meal (simmondisa chinensis) induce thyrotoxicity in rabbits


  • Kiran L Veterinary College, Vinobanagar, Shimoga-577 204 Author
  • Nagabhushana V Department of Animal Nutrition, Veterinary College, Shimoga-577 204, Author
  • Prakash Nadoor Veterinary College, Vinobanagar, Shimoga-577 204 Author
  • NV Jadhav Veterinary College, Bidar-58 401; KVAFSU, Karnataka State, India Author
  • Madhavaprasad C B Veterinary College, Vinobanagar, Shimoga-577 204 Author
  • Ashok Pawar Veterinary College, Bidar-58 401; KVAFSU, Karnataka State, India Author
  • Shettar V B Veterinary College, Vinobanagar, Shimoga-577 204 Author



Jojoba, rabbits, simmondisa chinensis, haematocrit, thyroid


Investigations were carried out to study the effect of supplementation of jojoba meal (Simmondisa chinensis) on  biochemical, haematological and thyroid hormone profile in broiler rabbits. A total of fourty New Zealand white  rabbits (4 week old) were randomly allotted to four dietary treatment groups, comprising ten rabbits in each group.  The control group (T0) was fed with complete feed with no jojoba oil meal and test groups were fed complete feed  with 5, 15 and 25 per cent jojoba oil meal in T1, T2 and T3 groups, respectively. Hematology and serum biochemical  profile indicated reduction in haemoglobin (Hb), packed cell volume (PCV) and total erythrocyte count (TEC) in T2 and  T3 groups compared to T0 and T1groups on 30th day of study, while serum calcium, phosphorus, cholesterol and total  protein were not affected. It was observed that serum tri-iodothyronine (T3) and thyroxin (T4) levels in jojoba meal  treated rabbits were declined in dose-dependent manner due to thyrotoxicity. Toxicopathological lesions include  infiltration of inflammatory cells (T1) or inter-follicular thyroiditis in rabbits fed jojoba meal @ either 15 (T2) or 25 %  (T3).  


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How to Cite

Sub-chronic administartion of Jojoba oil meal (simmondisa chinensis) induce thyrotoxicity in rabbits . (2024). Journal of Laboratory Animal Science, 2(1), 49-53.