Toxicity studies of Sapindus laurifolius methanolic leaf extract in Wistar rats


  • Santhosh Kumar CN Associate Professor, Department of Veterinary Pharmacology & Toxicology Veterinary College, Hebbal, Bangalore – 560 024, Karnataka, India Author
  • Shridhar N B Department of Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology, Author
  • Satyanarayana M L Department of Veterinary Pathology Veterinary, Animal and Fisheries Sciences University, Bidar, Karnataka, India Author
  • Ansar Kamran C Department of Veterinary Medicine Veterinary College, Hebbal, Bangalore - 560 024,Karnataka Author



Sapindus laurifolius, phytochemical analysis, saponins, hepatotoxicity, nephrotoxicity


Studies were aimed to evaluate the phytochemical composition of the Sapindus laurifolius leaves and toxicological  effect of the Sapindus laurifolius leaf extract using Wistar albino rats as a model animal. The phytochemical analysis  was performed using High Performance Thin Layer Chromatography (HPTLC). In toxicity studies, the acute oral toxicity  study was conducted as per the guidelines of Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD 423  Acute Toxic Class Method) for testing of chemicals. In repeated dose 28-day oral toxicity study (OECD 407), leaf extract  administered at the dose of 50, 200 and 800 mg/kg and limit dose of 1000 mg/kg. The phytochemical analysis revealed  the presence of saponins, flavanoids, glycosides and bitter principles. In acute toxicity study, the LD50 cut-off values  were found to be more than 2g/kg in leaf extract. In repeated dose 28-day oral toxicity, significant (P<0.05) increase in  AST, ALT, BUN and creatinine, significant (P<0.05) increase in total protein was noticed. The histopathological changes  confined to liver, kidney and intestine, revealed mild to moderate hepatotoxicity, severe nephrotoxicity and increased  goblet cell activity. The changes were found to correlate with increased dose of leaf extract. Thus the phytochemical  analysis of S. laurifolius revealed the presence of saponins, glycosides, flavonoids and bitter principles.The acute oral  toxicity study of S. laurifolius methanolic leaf extract in rats resulted in no toxicity even at the highest dose, in repeated 28- day oral toxicity study revealed mild to moderate hepatotoxicity, severe nephrotoxicity and intestinal damage.  


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How to Cite

Toxicity studies of Sapindus laurifolius methanolic leaf extract in Wistar rats . (2024). Journal of Laboratory Animal Science, 2(1), 32-37.