
  • Awoyemi A. O Department of Agricultural Economics and Extension Services, Ekiti State University, AdoEkiti, Nigeria.
  • Adekunmi A. O Department of Agricultural Economics and Extension Services, Ekiti State University, AdoEkiti, Nigeria.
  • Oyeyinka R. A Department of Agricultural Administration, Federal University of Agriculture, Ogun State, Nigeria
  • Ayansina S.O. Department of Agricultural Administration, Federal University of Agriculture, Ogun State, Nigeria


Adolescent Girls, Climate Change, Level of Awareness


The study examined the adolescent girl child’s awareness of climate change in Southwest Nigeria. A multistage sampling procedure was used to select respondents. Data were gathered through structured interview schedule from 240 adolescent girls. Data collected were analysed using frequency counts, percentages, mean ranking and inferential statistical tools such as chi-square and correlation analysis. The result showed that the respondents had a mean age of 15.6. Majority (82.1%) of the adolescent girls had secondary education and the mean household size was 8. All the respondents had never travelled outside their country (Nigeria) but majority of them had travelled outside their villages. The major manifestation of climate change identified by the adolescent girls were high temperature (97.9%) followed by irregular rainfall (97.1%). All respondents (100%) reported that cyclone, earthquake and hurricane did not occur in their area. Radio (͞X=2.36) came first in ranking as the major source of information that was frequently used on climate change, followed by television (͞X=2.35) and school (͞X=2.29). Majority (64.6%) of the adolescent girls were moderately aware of climate change. The study found that age (r=0.201; p≤0.002) had a significant relationship with the adolescent girls awareness level on climate change. The study also found that extension agent (r=0.886; p≤0.117) did not have a significant relationship with the adolescent girls level of awareness on climate change. The study confirms that adolescent girls were aware of climate change in their areas. Therefore, the adolescent girls must be regarded as agents of adaptation on climate change and they should be empowered and assisted through the government institutions by taking their involvement in policy formulation on climate change seriously.


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How to Cite

A. O, A. ., A. O, A., R. A , O., & S.O., A. (2019). ADOLESCENT GIRLS AWARENESS OF CLIMATE CHANGE IN SOUTHWEST NIGERIA. Journal of Extension Systems, 35(2), 1-8.