QUALITY OF LIFE Affordability the Deciding Factor


  • O. S. Verma Phd in Agriculture extension education indian Agriculture Research New Delhi india


Quality of Life, Deciding Factor, Apparently, Affordability


What you earn and what you spend is the fluctuating situation. Similarly, where you live and what is the cost of living there is another set of factors which decide the quality of life. Affordability is thus the central parameter on which Quality of Life depends. Deutsche Bank measured Affordability (2019) in 56 mega-cities across 40 countries. The findings derived are presented into 10 tables as shown in the figure.1. Higher the emoluments you draw better will be the quality of life. This is the reason that life in United States is more comfortable. Figures derived in table 1 indicate that Americans draw 8.85 times more salary than Indians per month. Apparently, quality of their life is more superior.ewyork is the costliest city to live in. The rent for a two-bedroom apartment is 9.76 times more in Newyork than in India.3. Price of a car is not much in US. A mid-size car is hardly thrice the cost in India. Surprisingly, mid-size car is costliest in Bangladesh at USD 37575 as compared to India at USD 12147 and Newyork at 23454 dollars.


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How to Cite

Verma, O. S. . (2019). QUALITY OF LIFE Affordability the Deciding Factor. Journal of Extension Systems, 35(1), 69-70. https://acspublisher.com/journals/index.php/jes/article/view/897