ADULTERY Beyond Marriage


  • O. S. Verma Phd in Agriculture extension education indian Agriculture Research New Delhi india


Beyond Marriage, unacceptable, Interestingly, adultery


The most striking feature of adultery is the private sexual conduct between consenting adults especially when one of them is married. Sexual intercourse with married woman is adultery and not with unmarried woman. In Islamic Nations, adultery is a criminal offense. In civilized societies, by and large, adultery is an unacceptable conduct. Pew Research Centre studied the moral acceptability of adultery in 39 countries and they found that France is the most accepting adultery and Turkey the least. Data derived in the figure show the percentage of people finding adultery unacceptable. Interestingly, in United States, a remarkable 84 per cent people do not accept adultery in their societies. In 20 states of US, adultery is still a crime.


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How to Cite

Verma, O. S. . (2019). ADULTERY Beyond Marriage. Journal of Extension Systems, 35(1), 67-68.