GLOBAL WOMEN Peace, Security, Justice, and Inclusion


  • O. S. Verma Phd in Agriculture extension education indian Agriculture Research New Delhi india


Discriminatory Norms, Son Bias, Limiting Laws, Organized Violence


The PRI conducted a Survey covering more than 98 per cent of the World's population and ranked 153 countries based on the findings of WPS-Index. The top three countries which are found high on this Index are : (1) Iceland, (2) Norway, (3) Switzerland. Similarly, bottom three countries which are ranked lowest on WPS-Index are : (1) Syria 153, (2) Afghanistan 152, and (3) Yemen 151. India is ranked at 131.A comprehensive picture, the Best and the Worst performing countries drawn from G-20 and SAARC are shown in the Figure against the Global Average. It shows that India is lagging behind the global average on key markers of Justice, Security, and Inclusion. Indian men 25 per cent of them still think that women should not work. Pakistan is the worst where 73 per cent men do not accept that women should go for work. Pakistan is, therefore, highly discriminatory in their approach to women's work especially when we compare against global average at 19 per cent discriminatory norm.


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How to Cite

Verma, O. S. . (2019). GLOBAL WOMEN Peace, Security, Justice, and Inclusion. Journal of Extension Systems, 35(1), 1-4.