Status and abundance of Maize stem borer (Chilo partellus) in Maize under temperate conditions


  • S A Hakeem Dryland Agriculture Research Station, Srinagar, SKUAST, Kashmir-190 025
  • Z A Dar Dryland Agriculture Research Station, Srinagar, SKUAST, Kashmir-190 025
  • M A Sofi Dryland Agriculture Research Station, Srinagar, SKUAST, Kashmir-190 025
  • R A Wani Dryland Agriculture Research Station, Srinagar, SKUAST, Kashmir-190 025
  • S Bashir Dryland Agriculture Research Station, Srinagar, SKUAST, Kashmir-190 025
  • S Nissa Dryland Agriculture Research Station, Srinagar, SKUAST, Kashmir-190 025
  • S Naseer Dryland Agriculture Research Station, Srinagar, SKUAST, Kashmir-190 025
  • F Rasool Dryland Agriculture Research Station, Srinagar, SKUAST, Kashmir-190 025



Maize, Maize stem bore, Chilo partellu, Pest infestation, Dead heart of maize


Maize stem borer (Chilo partellus) is a serious threat to cultivation of kharif maize in India. Losses due the pest varied from 24-83 per cent in different agro-climatic zones of the country. Study was undertaken to find out incidence of the pest in relation to date of sowing and stage of crop growth during sowing season of the crop at Dryland Agriculture Research Station, SKUAST, Kashmir. An experiment was laid in randomized Block Design, in which sowing was done at 15 days interval starting from March 1 during 2016 and 2017. The observations on Maize Stem Borer infestation and Dead Hearts were recorded. The study revealed that the borer infestation was considerably high during April 1 and April 16 sown crop. Consequently, the control measures need to be initiated during the period for effective maize stem borer management strategy. 


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ICRISAT (International crops research for the semi Arid and Tropices) 1986. Annual report 1985. Patancheru, A.P. 502 324, India.

Sarup, P. (1979). Investigations on the major insect pests of Maize with special reference to insect plant relationship. Research bulletin in division of Entomology, Indian Agricultural Institute, New Delhi. New series No 3:183 pp.R,S.

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Stage of crop growth days after germination

Mean borer %


Annonymous (2014). Agriculture stastistics at a glance. Govt. of India.

4.00 3.70 22 13.10 11.89 29 16.20 12.62 36 13.68 8.60 43 5.50 4.20 CD at 5 % 3.97 3.92

The magnitude of borer infestation in the crop sown before April 17 in 2016 was comparatively higher than the crop sown on similar dates in 2017. The reason may be due to favorable conditions, which prevailed in 2016. It has been reported that there is borer free Maize crop, if sowing is done up to March 1 (Panwar and Sarup 1979). It is, therefore,

Dhamasena, C.M.D. (2002). Temporal distribution of Maize stem borer, Chilo partellus (Swinhoa) in relation to weather factors, Tropical Agriculture 151, 1-6.

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How to Cite

Hakeem, S. A., Dar, Z. A., Sofi, M. A., Wani, R. A., Bashir, S., Nissa, S., Naseer, S., & Rasool , F. (2020). Status and abundance of Maize stem borer (Chilo partellus) in Maize under temperate conditions . Journal of Eco-Friendly Agriculture, 15(2), 147-148.