Growth rate of area, production and productivity of cashewnut in Odisha


  • Santosh Kumar Das Department of Agril. Economics, OUAT, Bhubaneswar, Odisha-751003, India
  • R K Mishra Department of Agril. Economics, OUAT, Bhubaneswar, Odisha-751003, India



Cashew, Growth rate, Production, Productivit, Marketing


Cashew (Anacardium occidentale L.) believed to be a native of Brazil, from where it has dispersed to different 

parts of the world primarily for soil conservation, afforestation and wasteland development and is mainly cultivated in the Asian, African and Latin American zones. Major cashew producing states of India are Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Odisha, Karnataka and Kerala with 29% 14.8%, 12.48%, 11.32% and 11.16% production rates respectively. Odisha is the third largest state in the country in cashew cultivation, production and processing. Total area under cashew cultivation in Odisha is 205.38 thousand ha with a production of 92.67 thousand MT and productivity of 503 kg/ha in 2018-19 (DCCD). The growth in area, production and productivity of Cashewnut in India from 2000-01 to 2018-19 was 2.20 per cent, 2.67 per cent and - 0.21 per cent respectively which shows a positive growth rate for area and production. Whereas Odisha has a positive growth rate in area 3.75 per cent from 2008-09 to 2018-19. The district wise data of Odisha shows Koraput district produces highest (14.5 thousand MT) raw cashewnut followed by Dhenkanal (9278 MT), Malkanagiri and Ganjam 9179 MT respectively. The major constraints in cashew production were labour shortage, followed by high wage rate, cost of plant protection, manure and fertilizer, water scarcity and lack of quality seed material whereas in cashewnut marketing the constraints includes price fluctuation, improper market information, weighment problem, high transport charge, lack of grading facility and high commission charge. 


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How to Cite

Kumar Das, S., & Mishra, R. K. (2021). Growth rate of area, production and productivity of cashewnut in Odisha . Journal of Eco-Friendly Agriculture, 16(2), 20-24.