Influence of stages of fruit maturity on germination, growth and vigour of papaya (cv. Solo) seedlings


  • Arjun Parab College of Agriculture, Dharwad, Karnataka
  • J C Mathad College of Agriculture, Dharwad, Karnataka
  • K V Malshe College of Agriculture, Dharwad, Karnataka



Papaya, stage of maturity, germination, vigour index


Investigations carried out at Department of Horticulture, College of Agriculture, Dharwad during the year 2015-16, to assess the influence of different stages of fruit maturity on germination, growth and vigour of papaya (cv. Solo) seedling, revealed that the harvesting of fruit at 3/4 ripe stage significantly increased the germination percentage (48.00%), dry weight of seedling (8.50 mg) and vigour index (1179.55) as compared to fruit harvested at other stages of maturity. Fruit at 3/4 ripe stage also recorded highest 100 seed weight. 


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How to Cite

Parab, A., Mathad , J. C., & Malshe , K. V. (2021). Influence of stages of fruit maturity on germination, growth and vigour of papaya (cv. Solo) seedlings . Journal of Eco-Friendly Agriculture, 16(1), 58-60.