Increasing mustard productivity through cluster frontline demonstration in the Mahendragarh district of Haryana, India


  • Ashish Shivran Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Department of Agronomy, CCSHAU, Hisar Mahendragarh -123029 (Haryana), India
  • Ashok Dhillon (Agronomy), KVK, Mahendergarh
  • Ramesh Kumar DES (FM), KVK, Mahendergarh



Cluster Frontline demonstration, Technology, Intervention, Economic, Impact and mustard


Cluster Frontline Demonstrations (CFLDS) of improved technologies of crop production conducted with mustard variety RH-725 in 172 ha areas by KVK, Mahendragarh district in Haryana during 2019 and 2020-21 revealed that the yield under demonstration plots were higher, 19.26 and 24.63 q ha-1 as against 17.10 and 21.10 q ha-1 under farmer’s practices. The demonstration plot also showed higher gross and net returns ` 86975 and ` 108945 ha-1 and ` 52415 and ` 76050 ha-1 in the respective years than those in the local check plots. The B:C ratio in demonstrated plot i.e. 2.16 and 3.31, respectively was also higher than the local check plot. The results clearly indicate the impact of adoption of improved technology on productivity of mustard over the existing practices. 


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How to Cite

Shivran, A., Dhillon, A., & Kumar, R. (2023). Increasing mustard productivity through cluster frontline demonstration in the Mahendragarh district of Haryana, India . Journal of Eco-Friendly Agriculture, 18(1), 206-207.