Optimizing substrate and liquid media for enhanced production of Metarhizium rileyi 


  • Sai Pooja N Department of Agricultural Entomology,University of Agricultural Sciences, Raichur- 584 104, Karnataka, India.
  • E Sowmya Department of Agricultural Entomology, University of Agricultural Sciences, Raichur- 584 104, Karnataka, India.
  • A Hosamani Department of Agricultural Entomology,University of Agricultural Sciences, Raichur- 584 104, Karnataka, India.
  • A Ajith Kumar Department of Plant Pathology, University of Agricultural Sciences, Raichur- 584 104, Karnataka, India.




Biopesticide, Liquid media, Metarhizium rileyi, Solid substrate



Metarhizium rileyi (UASRBC-Mr19), an entomopathogenic fungus has potential applications in the sustainable pest management. Ten solid substrates and 12 liquid media were evaluated for their ability to support the fungal growth, mycelial growth, sporulation, colony diameter, colony forming units (CFU), and shelf life. Results depicted that rice substrate exhibited the minimum days for mycelial growth and with good sporulation, while finger millet showed the maximum colony forming units. Among liquid media, Sabouraud’s maltose yeast broth (SMYB) and rice cooked water broth (RCWB) were identified as optimal, promoting rapid mycelial growth, high colony diameter, and sustained CFU over time. These findings emphasize the importance of selecting appropriate media and substrates to maximize the fungal production for biocontrol purposes. 


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How to Cite

N, S. P., E , S., Hosamani, . A., & Kumar, . A. A. . . (2025). Optimizing substrate and liquid media for enhanced production of Metarhizium rileyi . Journal of Eco-Friendly Agriculture, 20(1), 197-203. https://doi.org/10.48165/jefa.2024.20.1.31