Effect of organic nutrients on fruit quality of Khasi mandarin in mid hills of Arunachal Pradesh


  • Abhimanyu Chaturvedi Krishi Vigyan Kendra - Tirap, Arunachal Pradesh
  • SK Chaturvedi KVK Lower Subansiri, Yachuli - Arunachal Pradesh
  • Ph Chandramani Singh KVK Churachandpur - Manipur
  • Neha Sharma KVK Panna, Purushottampur-Madhya Pradesh




Khasi mandarin, FYM,, Azotobacter, VAM


The experiment conducted during 2022-23 in Tirap district of Arunachal Pradesh to study the influence of different doses of nutrients on fruit quality parameters of mandarin orange revealed that the treatment comprising of FYM (30 kg) + VAM (80 g) + Azatobactor (8 g) plant–1 showed superiority in maximum parameters e.g. plant height (25.42 cm), plant volume (4.99 cm), trunk girth (0.08 cm), leaf size (0.94 cm), fruit setting (4.99%), average fruit weight (0.94 gm), fruit yield (40.85 kg tree-1), fruit length (6.87 cm), fruit diameter (6.92 cm), juice per cent (35.41) and ascorbic acid (47.25%). 


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How to Cite

Chaturvedi, A., Chaturvedi, S., Singh, P.C., & Sharma, N. (2024). Effect of organic nutrients on fruit quality of Khasi mandarin in mid hills of Arunachal Pradesh . Journal of Eco-Friendly Agriculture, 19(2), 259–263. https://doi.org/10.48165/jefa.2024.19.02.6