Evaluation of socio-economic status of farmers of an organic farm of Himachal Pradesh, India


  • Dipika Rana Department of Biology and Environmental Sciences, CSK Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishvavidyalaya, Palampur-176 061, H.P., India




Literacy level, occupational pattern, , economic status, behavioral aspects, livelihood security


In a country like India, farming is a culture rather than a profession. The interest in farming depends upon the tradition and family background of a worker. Keeping this in view, the socio-economic status of worker engaged in organic farming was studied. Various practices under organic farming in the mountain regions like compost production, use of bio-pesticides, crop rotations, etc. not only increases soil health and quality but promotes the activity of beneficial macro-and-micro-flora in the soil. The organic practices including Homa bhasm, Agnihotra and Biodynamic farming besides promoting healthy agriculture is expected to have seeming effects on behavioral aspects of the farm workers. However, apparently systemic information on social attributes of organic farm is still limited. As such present study was undertaken to evaluate the socio-economic efficiency of an organic farm. The socio- economic aspects of an organic farm CSKHPKV, Palampur were studied. The data was analyzed by the use of indices, ratios, percentages etc. and the results were interpreted. The various aspects as family structure and size, age distribution, caste structure, literacy level, occupational pattern, economic status behavioral aspects and livelihood security were evaluated. 


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How to Cite

Rana , D. (2018). Evaluation of socio-economic status of farmers of an organic farm of Himachal Pradesh, India . Journal of Eco-Friendly Agriculture, 13(1), 39-42. https://doi.org/10.48165/