Efficacy of organic products as repellents and feeding deterrents against hadda beetle, Henosepilachna vigintioctopunctata (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) (Fabricius)


  • Jenia Thakur Department of Entomology, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana-141004, Punjab, India
  • Surjeet Kumar Department of Entomology, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana-141004, Punjab, India




Antifeedant, biopesticide, Henosepilachna vigintioctopunctata, organic products, per cent repellent


The study was conducted on hadda beetle, Henosepilachna vigintioctopunctata, to find out the repellent and antifeedant activity of certain organic products viz., Dashparni, Panchgavya, Darekastra, Agniastra, Brahmastra, Cow urine, Tamralassi, Fermented butter milk and biopesticide (Neem baan 1500 ppm) by leaf dip method of bioassay against second instar grubs of H. vigintioctopunctata in laboratory conditions. Among the organic products, Neem baan showed maximum repellent and antifeedant activity followed by Dashparni. Per cent repellence varied from 7.50 to 79.25 per cent after two hours in different organic products, whereas antifeedance after 24 hours varied from 8.69 to 71.49 per cent (based on the per cent leaf area consumed). Per cent repellence and antifeedance shown by different organic products in decreasing order: Neem Baan > Dashparni > Panchgavya > Darekastra > Agniastra > Brahmastra > Cow urine > Tamralassi > Fermented butter milk. 


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How to Cite

Thakur, J., & Kumar , S. (2024). Efficacy of organic products as repellents and feeding deterrents against hadda beetle, Henosepilachna vigintioctopunctata (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) (Fabricius) . Journal of Eco-Friendly Agriculture, 19(1), 143-149. https://doi.org/10.48165/jefa.2024.19.01.24