Evaluation of biorationals and insecticides against coconut rugose spiralling whitefly (Aleurodicus rugioperculatus Martin)


  • S M Wankhede AICRP on Palms, Regional Coconut Research Station, Bhatye, Ratnagiri-415 612
  • V V Shinde AICRP on Palms, Regional Coconut Research Station, Bhatye, Ratnagiri-415 612, Dr. Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth, Dapoli-415 712, Maharashtra, India
  • S L Ghavale AICRP on Palms, Regional Coconut Research Station, Bhatye, Ratnagiri-415 612, Dr. Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth, Dapoli-415 712, Maharashtra, India
  • K V Malshe AICRP on Palms, Regional Coconut Research Station, Bhatye, Ratnagiri-415 612, Dr. Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth, Dapoli-415 712, Maharashtra, India




Biological suppression, biointensive management, biorationals, coconut, eco-friendly measures, palms, invasive whiteflies, IPM, starch solution


Palms treated with T7–Soap nut @ 1 per cent recorded minimum incidence of coconut rugose spiralling whitefly (17.2%), which was significantly superior over T10–Untreated control (34.5%) and found at par with T2- Lambda cyhalothrin + starch solution @1 per cent (20.5%), T3- Deltamethrin + starch solution @1 per cent (21.1%), T1- Imidacloprid + starch solution @1 per cent (21.9%), T8- Soap water (23.3%), T4- Buprofezin + starch solution @1 per cent (24.1%), T5- Pongamia oil + starch solution @1 per cent (26.4%), T6- Lecanicilium lecanii (26.5%) and T9- Water spray (29.1%). The minimum RSW intensity (9%) noticed in T7 was at par with rest of the treatments and found significantly superior over T10 (23%). The T7 treatment recorded minimum RSW populations (21.5 nos) followed by T2 (23.7nos) and was found significantly superior over T10 (41.6 nos). Highest Encarsia parasitism and natural enemies (predators/spiders), respectively were found in T10 (40.7% and 2.1 nos) and was par with T9 (35.6% and 1.75 nos.), T8 (32.7% and 1.48 nos.) and T7 (29.2% and 1.53 nos.). 


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How to Cite

Wankhede, S. M., Shinde, V. V., Ghavale, S. L., & Malshe, K. V. (2024). Evaluation of biorationals and insecticides against coconut rugose spiralling whitefly (Aleurodicus rugioperculatus Martin). Journal of Eco-Friendly Agriculture, 19(1), 132-137. https://doi.org/10.48165/jefa.2024.19.01.22