Ergonomic evaluation of uprooting of paddy seedlings in mat nursery


  • M Kalita Department of Family Resource Management and Consumer Science, College of Community Science, AAU, Jorhat-785-013, Assam, India.
  • B Bhuyan Department of Family Resource Management and Consumer Science, College of Community Science, AAU, Jorhat-785-013, Assam, India.
  • R Borah Department of Family Resource Management and Consumer Science, College of Community Science, AAU, Jorhat-785-013, Assam, India.



Uprooting, mat nursery, physical fitness, heart rate, physiological workload, stress


Uprooting of paddy seedlings is one of the drudgery prone farm activities. A study was carried out to assess the physiological workload and energy expenditures of farm women while uprooting from mat nursery. A stepstool technique was adopted for assessing physical fitness of the participants. Heart rate was recorded with Heart Rate Monitor and Rating of Perceived Exertion was calculated using Borg’s 5 point rating scale. The mean height was 151.07 cm and mean weight was 45.47 kg. Most of the respondents (46%) were having ‘high average’ physical fitness followed by 33 per cent in ‘below average’ category. Working heart rate values while uprooting in mat nursery (HR 86.16 b min-1) was lower as compared to uprooting in wet bed (HR 128.56 b min-1). Energy expenditure values were worked out to be 6.63 kJ min-1 and 11.86 kJ min-1 for mat nursery and wet bed, respectively. The physiological workload of uprooting in mat nursery was categorized as ‘very light’ and wet bed as ‘heavy’ on the basis of heart rate and energy expenditures. There was no significant difference in yield from seedlings of mat nursery and wet bed. Mat nursery is a suitable alternative to wet bed for reducing physiological and muscular stress, and labour cost. 


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How to Cite

Kalita, M., Bhuyan, B., & Borah, R. (2024). Ergonomic evaluation of uprooting of paddy seedlings in mat nursery . Journal of Eco-Friendly Agriculture, 19(1), 73-76.