Physiological basis of sunburn development and its management in capsicum


  • Farooq A Khan Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Kashmir, Srinagar-190025, J&K, India.
  • Sumati Narayan Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Kashmir, Srinagar-190025, J&K, India.
  • Khursheed Ahmad Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Kashmir, Srinagar-190025, J&K, India.
  • aheemullah Khan Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Kashmir, Srinagar-190025, J&K, India.
  • Mohammad Amir LPU, Phagwara, Kapurthala - 144411 (Punjab)
  • Astha RVSKVV, Gwalior - 474002 (M.P.), India.
  • Moinuddin SGRR University, Dehradun - 248121 (Uttrakhand) India.



Capsicum, carotenoid, chlorophyll, chl: car ratio, sunburn, kaolin


The present investigation was carried out at SKUAST-K, Shalimar, Srinagar during the years 2019 and 2020 to understand the response of five capsicum varieties/hybrids to sunburn development under high temperature and light intensity, their physiological bases and management strategies. Results indicated that California Wonder (CW) showed lowest sunburn incidence (11.5%) and severity (2.5), while Shalimar Capsicum Hybrid I (SCHI) resulted in highest sunburn incidence (27.8%) and severity (3.8) without any kaolin spray. CW also showed lower level of chlorophyll (0.58mg g-1) and higher level of carotenoid (0.17mg g-1) with low chl: car ratio (3.4) compared to a higher level of chlorophyll (0.70mg g-1) with lower level of carotenoid (0.07mg g-1) and higher chl: car ratio (10.0). These genotypes viz., CW and SCHI, were foliar sprayed with different levels of kaolin and spray of kaolin (4.0%) proved as most effective treatment in reducing the sunburn incidence and severity in both the genotypes. Sunburn incidence and severity were reduced from 19.7 to 7.7 per cent and 3.2 to 1.7, respectively. Therefore, foliar application of 4.0 per cent kaolin may be used to reduce the sunburn incidence in capsicum. 


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How to Cite

Khan, F. A., Narayan, S., Ahmad, K., Khan, aheemullah, Amir, M., Astha, & Moinuddin. (2024). Physiological basis of sunburn development and its management in capsicum. Journal of Eco-Friendly Agriculture, 19(1), 55-59.