GC-MS, anti-oxidant, anti diabetics and anti-fungal potential of dye extract obtained from Tectona grandis L. leaves


  • K Amutha Department of Botany, Kunthavai Naachiyaar Government Arts College for Women (A), Thanjavur – 613007, Tamil Nadu, India.
  • R Sagaya Giri Department of Botany, Kunthavai Naachiyaar Government Arts College for Women (A), Thanjavur – 613007, Tamil Nadu, India.
  • M Ayyanar Department of Botany, Kunthavai Naachiyaar Government Arts College for Women (A), Thanjavur – 613007, Tamil Nadu, India.




Tectona grandis, natural dye, anti-fungal, anti-oxidant, anti-diabetics


Tectona grandis is an important dye-producing tree that is used as a colouring agent in the textile and food industries. The leaves of Tectona grandis are used to treat anuria, urinary retention, bronchitis, leukoderma, dysentery, stomach pain, and it can also stimulate hair growth. Antifungal, in vitro anti-oxidant, anti-diabetics assay of methanol solvent extracts obtained from the leaves of Tectona grandis (TG) were investigated. The dye extraction yield was higher in dye extracts extracted using ultrasonication (5.8%), followed by boiling (4.2%). Methanolic extract had the highest DPPH IC50 of 49.06±0.93 and metal chelating activity in teak dye extract of 82.36±0.19. Methanolic extract inhibited á-amylase strongly, with an IC50 of 39.41±0.67. Plant dye extract demonstrated significant antifungal activity against C. albicans (8.25±0.49), A. fumigatus (6.30±0.41), C. glabrata (6.25±0.49), and A. flavus (5.45±0.44) at higher concentrations, respectively. The result of present investigation proved that methanolic extract of T.grandis leaves could be used as a promising natural antioxidant with potential diabetic activity and antifungal properties. So, the dye obtained from T.grandis might be used as a therapeutic agent in textile and food industry. 


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How to Cite

Amutha, K., Giri, R. S., & Ayyanar, M. (2024). GC-MS, anti-oxidant, anti diabetics and anti-fungal potential of dye extract obtained from Tectona grandis L. leaves. Journal of Eco-Friendly Agriculture, 19(1), 41-48. https://doi.org/10.48165/jefa.2024.19.01.8