Ayurvedic Management Drugs for Tonsillitis W.S.R. to Tundikeri
Tundikeri, Pratisarana, Type 2 diabetes mellitus, Uddhiyana bandha, Chhedana, Bhedana, Fasting blood glucose, Tonsillitis, Complementary therapyAbstract
Introduction: The tonsils, which are found towards the back portion of the throat, are inflamed and infected, leading to chronic tonsillitis, a prolonged illness. In the first few years of life, it has a high morbidity rate among the largest number of children. These tonsils are part of the immune system and fight off infections. The main cause is usually a bacterial or viral infection, which can be transmitted through respiratory droplets or recurrent acute tonsillitis. There are different types of tonsillitis, including acute tonsillitis, chronic tonsillitis, and recurrent tonsillitis. Chronic tonsil- litis can last for months or even years, and acute tonsillitis is a short-term illness that lasts for a few days or weeks. Multiple episodes of tonsillitis during the year are referred to as recurrent tonsillitis. Common symptoms of chronic tonsillitis include persistent sore throat, difficulty swallowing, swollen tonsils, bad breath, and tender lymph nodes in the neck. Some individuals may also experience recurring episodes of fever and fatigue. Parents avoid surgery due to side effects, causing chronic and vulnerable tonsillitis, and leading to systemic complications. The disease Tundikeri, which is described in Ayurvedic texts and has similarities to tonsillitis, is believed to occur due to Kapha Prakopa and Rakta Dushti, leading to obstruction in the throat and increased dampness in the palate and throat region. Ayurvedic books provide various treatments for tonsillitis, including surgical intervention (Bhedana and Chhedana) with the Mandalagra instrument. The study explores herbal remedies for chronic tonsillitis treatment, evaluating usage and reducing tonsillectomy needs using classical sources and recent research.
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