Importance of Pathya Apathya in Shalakya Practice – A Conceptual Study


  • Pramila PG Scholar, Department of Shalakya Tantra, National Institute of Ayurveda (De- Novo), Jaipur, Rajasthan, India, Author
  • Shamsa Fayaz Professor and HOD, Department of Shalakya Tantra, National Institute of Ayurveda (De- Novo), Jaipur, Rajasthan, India Author



Apathya, Daily regimen, ENT, Health, Pathya


Introduction: Ayurveda emphasizes on both prevention and curative aspects, which are of utmost importance in the  restoration of health. Through the principles of Pathya Apathya, our Acharyas have equipped us with the necessary  knowledge to prevent and manage lifestyle disorders related to ear, nose, and throat disorders. Regular observations  assess the effectiveness of specific dietary habits and medications in the prevention of disorders. Knowledge of pathya  and apathya Aahara and vihara tackle the disease at the grassroot levelMaterials and Methods: Information on Pathya Apathya in Shalakya Tantra was gathered from the Laghutrayi, the  Brihattrayi and its commentaries, and other Ayurvedic texts. Results: Various Ahara Vargas, which describes the qualities of various food items, has been referenced in ancient  scriptures. This conceptual study is an attempt to throw light on the importance of Pathya Apathya in disease as well  as normal life. Conclusion: The concepts of Pathya and Apathya are important in the treatment of every disease as well as for  prevention or for maintaining a healthy life. Ayurveda is an ancient medical practice that seeks to avoid human  suffering from all forms of physical, mental, intellectual, and spiritual  illnesses in addition to curing ailments. Numerous human illnesses  have been related to an unhealthy lifestyle, and there has been a lot  of emphasis on lifestyle disorders such as kidney diseases, diabetes  mellitus, and cardiovascular disorders as well as ways to prevent  them. Improper lifestyle has an impact on vision as well. Tobacco,  alcohol, cigarettes, junk food, high-fat diets, prolonged exposure to  strong light, prolonged computer use, and chronic stress are a few  examples of behaviors that can harm the eyes.[1] Nowadays, due to a  busy lifestyle, people have no time to follow a healthy lifestyle and  are not able to follow the proper care for the body as well as of the  sense organs. Slight impairment in diet and lifestyle patterns may result  in unhealthy situations for a person and thus manifesting in various  diseases. Ayurvedic scriptures suggest that specific lifestyle practices,  such as adhering to dinacharya, ritucharya, sadvritta, and Pathya  



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How to Cite

Pramila, & Fayaz, S. (2024). Importance of Pathya Apathya in Shalakya Practice – A Conceptual Study . International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 7(5), 26-29.