A Clinical Study To Evaluate The Efficacy Of Kashmaryadi Ghrita And Baladi Churna In Vandhyatwa W.S.R. To Female Infertility


  • Neetu Singh 1. M.S. Scholar, P.G Department of Stri evam prasuti roga, National Institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur Author
  • Hetal H Dave 2. Assistant Professor, P.G.Department of Stri evam prasuti roga, National Institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur. Author




Vandhyatwa, Kashmaryadi ghrita, Baladi churna.


Infertility is a global health issue which affect  approximately 8-10% of couples worldwide. Infertility is  defined as failure to conceive within one or more year of  regular unprotected coitus. It is a common rising problem of  society. Women, who are able to conceive but they have  repeated miscarriages are also said to be infertile. In present  era Vandhyatwa has been one of the major clinical challenge  which is yet to be resolved. Ayurveda can give a promising  hand to cure this disease. So as to find out effective treatment  without any side effect Kashmaryadi ghrita and Baladi  churna oral treatment was selected in present study. 15  patients were selected randomly for present clinical trial  study. Extremely significant results are observed in follicular  study, Very significant results shown on fern test and  spinnbarkeit test. Based on the observations it can be  concluded that Kashmaryadi ghrita and Baladi churna is an  effective drug for the management of female infertility. 


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viiiPt. Kashinath Shastri, Dr, Gorakhnath Chaturvedi, Charak Samhita Sutrasthan 27/240,553 Vidyotani Hindi commentary Chaukhamba Bharati Academy Varanasi, 2009

ixPt. Kashinath Shastri, Dr, Gorakhnath Chaturvedi, Charak Samhita Sutrasthan 27/241-242;553 Vidyotani Hindi commentary Chaukhamba Bharati Academy Varanasi, 2009




How to Cite

Singh, N., & Dave, H. H. (2024). A Clinical Study To Evaluate The Efficacy Of Kashmaryadi Ghrita And Baladi Churna In Vandhyatwa W.S.R. To Female Infertility . International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 2(4), 9-21. https://doi.org/10.48165/