Role of Nisha-amlaki In PCOS: A Conceptual Study


  • Swati Alha 1. Assistant professor, Department of Prasuti-Stree Roga, Punjab Ayurved Medical collage & Hospital, Morjanda khari, Sriganaganagar Author
  • Mahesh Kumar 2. Assistant Professor, P. G. Department of Swasthavritta & Yog, Dr. S. R. RAU., Jodhpur Author
  • Hetal H Dave 3. Assistant Professor, Department of Prasuti-Stree Roga, NIA, Jaipur Author



Hormones, Insulin resistance, Nisha-amlaki, Prameha, Polycystic ovarian disease.


Introduction: Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)  is characterised by excessive androgen production which  interferes with the reproductive, endocrine and metabolic  functions. PCOS causes hormonal imbalance in women  leading to menstrual irregularities, ovulation and fertility  problems1. Woman suffering from PCOS can become insulin  resistant due to hormonal imbalance. Diabetes mellitus type 2  is a long term metabolic disorder that is characterized by high  blood sugar, insulin resistance and relative lack of insulin. Methodology: The efficacy of Nisha-amlaki2(Astang  haridya Ch. sth. 12/5) is widely recommended in Ayurvedic texts for normalizing the blood sugar  level. Since the pathology of Prameha and PCOS are similar, so in this way we can use drugwhich described in texts in respective to Prameha to normalise blood sugar, also use in PCOS.Conclusion: Thus, this study is aimed at exploring the role of above given Nisha-amlaki in the  treatment of PCOS. 



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How to Cite

Alha, S., Kumar, M., & Dave, H. H. (2019). Role of Nisha-amlaki In PCOS: A Conceptual Study . International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 2(5), 155-161.