A review article on medicinal importance of Alysicarpus monilifer


  • Manoj Kumar Sharma Professor, Dept. of Dravyaguna, Kalawati Ayurved Medical college& research centre,Gorha,Kasganj,Up, India Author
  • Govind Narayan 2. Assistant Professor Dept .of Panchkarma, Kalawati Ayurved Medical college& research centre,Gorha,Kasganj,Up, India Author
  • Shashikant Chaturvedi 3. Professor,dept of Rog vigyan, SKS Ayurved college, Mathura, Up, India Author




Alisicarpus monilifer L. (DC.), Stigmasterol, Ursolic acid, Alysinol, Usnic acid, Methyl β-Orsellinate.


For achieving the superlative ends  consisting of morality, prosperity, artistic values  and sacred freedom, health is considered as a  precondition. The main components of the model  of positive healthiness are preventative and  curative aspects of disease. Therapeutic plants  engaged an important place in the socio-cultural,  spiritual and medicinal field of rural people of  India. One such medicinal plant is Alysicarpus monilifer also known as Krishna barani/ 

Chitrabarani, is a Fabaceae family. The various ailments of Alysicarpus monilifer is Analgesic effect, Hepatoprotective effect, Anti inflammatory effect.  Research works are going on to discover the wide area of applications of  Alysicarpus monilifer. This review article delineates the therapeutic  effectiveness Alysicarpus monilifer. 



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How to Cite

Sharma , M. K., Narayan, G., & Chaturvedi, S. (2024). A review article on medicinal importance of Alysicarpus monilifer . International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 2(5), 23-36. https://doi.org/10.48165/