Ayurvedic Management Of Sandhivata (Osteoarthritis)


  • Sushil Kumar Jangid 1 Assistant prof. Agadtantra, SAC, Pilani Author
  • Megha Dixit 2 Assistant prof. Kayachikitsa, SDAMC, Mathura Author




Sandhivata, Osteoarthritis, Vata,, Dhatukshaya


Sandhivata is briefly described in Ayurvedic texts. In  Charaka Samhita, the disease is first described as  Sandhigataanila, but Sandhivata is not described in 80 types  of Nanatmajavata vyadhi. Sandhivata is described under  Vatavyadhi in all the Samhitas and Sangraha Granthas. Ayurveda emphasized degenerative diseases under the  concepts of “Dhatukshayam”. Vata is the commanding factor  in the maintenance of balance all over universe including our  body. In Vriddhavastha, all Dhatus undergo Kshaya and Vataprakopa resulting individual prone to many diseases.  Clinically the description of Sandhigatavata explained in the  classical texts is similar to the condition osteoarthritis in  modern science. Sandhigata Vata is one of them, which needs  a particular therapeutic intervention to inquire the process of  

Dhatukshaya” and to pacify Vata. 

In Ayurveda, the treatment of sandhivata is aimed at reducing the Vatadosha and to  increase the shleshakakapha so the joint spaces are adequately lubricated for the free movement  of the joints. For this treatment is divided into 3 parts- a) Nidanaparivarjana- Lifestyle  

modifications including restrictions in diet & daily activities, b) Shodhana therapy such as  Snehana, Swedana, Lepa, Agnikarma, Bandhana, Mardana & Leech application, c) Shamana therapy DeepanaPachana, Srotoshodhaka drugs clears channels regressing inflammation & enhance the effect of further treatment eg Shunthi, Musta, Lashuna, Shallaki are best for it.  Rasanasaptakamkashaya, Maharasanadi decoction with Guggulu preprations like Yogaraja or  Kaishora etc. have very well Srotoshodhana property.Manjisthadi & Kokilaksha Kashaya play  important role in reduction of inflammation. 


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How to Cite

Jangid, S. K., & Dixit, . M. (2024). Ayurvedic Management Of Sandhivata (Osteoarthritis) . International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 2(6), 43-49. https://doi.org/10.48165/