Therapeutic Potential of Withania coagulans Dunal. (Rishyagandha) on Diabetes Mellitus Type- II: A Review


  • Sony 1.Assistant professor (Dravyaguna Department), Dhanvantari Ayurvedic Medical College & Hospital,Fatehganj-West, Rehpura,meerapur road,Chitauli, Dist-Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh 243501 Author



Diabetes mellitus type-II, Diabetes mellitus type-IIDiabetes mellitus type-II,, hypoglycemic agents,, Withanolides.


In Ayurveda there are many classical herbs frequently  used in the treatment of diabetes mellitus type-II. In recent  years, some new herbs have showed potential for the  management of DM-II. One of such herbs is Withania  coagulans Dunal. (Doda Paneer) which has profound  hypoglycemic activity. W. coagulans has been acclaimed  Rishyagandha in Ayurveda and used for nervine tonic,  debility, insomnia, aphrodisiac, and rejuvenator.  Rishyagandha (W. coagulans) is described in Charaka  Samhita in “Brihaniya Mahakashaya”and “Madhur Skandha  Dravya”. Acharya Charaka has described two types of  therapies for Prameha, Brihana for krish and dourbala  pramehi and Samshodhana for sthula and balvan pramehi. So  in krisha and dourbala patient, Rishyagandha improves the  

In Ayurveda there are many classical herbs frequently  used in the treatment of diabetes mellitus type-II. In recent  years, some new herbs have showed potential for the  management of DM-II. One of such herbs is Withania  coagulans Dunal. (Doda Paneer) which has profound  hypoglycemic activity. W. coagulans has been acclaimed  Rishyagandha in Ayurveda and used for nervine tonic,  debility, insomnia, aphrodisiac, and rejuvenator.  Rishyagandha (W. coagulans) is described in Charaka  Samhita in “Brihaniya Mahakashaya”and “Madhur Skandha  Dravya”. Acharya Charaka has described two types of  therapies for Prameha, Brihana for krish and dourbala  pramehi and Samshodhana for sthula and balvan pramehi. So  in krisha and dourbala patient, Rishyagandha improves the  

quality of Dhatu production, promotes the Ojas formation by its Brimhana properties. The active  compound withanolide isolated from the plant are considered to have hypoglycemic activity.  Aqueous extract of the fruit significantly lower the blood glucose level. A 30 days study of  Aqueous extracts on streptozotocin induced Swiss albino mice showed reduction of 48.5  and 52.6% in fasting blood glucose and postprandial glucose levels, respectively and  prove to be better alternative for Hypoglycemic agents. 


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How to Cite

Sony. (2024). Therapeutic Potential of Withania coagulans Dunal. (Rishyagandha) on Diabetes Mellitus Type- II: A Review . International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 2(6), 50-57.