Naga Bhasma in the Management of Diabetes mellitus: A Review


  • Monika Sharma 1. Ph.D Scholar, PG department of Agada Tantra, National Institute of Ayurveda, Amer Road, Jaipur, 302002 Author
  • Sandeep Charak Medical Officer, Jamu & Kashmir Ayush Department. Author



needed, population, hyperglycemia, deficiency, clinical


Diabetes mellitus (DM) affects 5-6% of global adult  population. “World Diabetes Congress” summarized on14th  Nov.2009; that Diabetes is expected to affect 380million by  2025. Every 10 seconds a person dies from Diabetes related  disorder. India has the largest Diabetes population in the  world with an estimated 41 million people, amounting to 6%  of the adult population. As age 

Progresses, in either sex, the probability to get Diabetes  increases. In the population that is above 60 years of age,  approximately 18.3 percent have Diabetes. Now a day‟s  many Ayurvedic herbal or herbo-mineral formulations have  been used in the treatment of Diabetes mellitus throughout  

the world. Naga Bhasma (lead calx) has significantly anti-diabetic potential and can be viewed  as rejuvenating tonic diabetic weakness and diabetic coma as well. It shows Rasayana effect  chiefly by enhancement of immunity i.e. Oja. By virtue of its kaphashamaka, Masa medokarshka and lekhana property it can be used a novel anti-diabetic drug. India has the largest


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How to Cite

Sharma, M., & Charak, S. (2024). Naga Bhasma in the Management of Diabetes mellitus: A Review . International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 2(6), 26-31.