A comparative clinical study on Vyoshadi Guggulu andBilwadi Kwath in the management of Sthoulyawith special reference to physical parameters of Obesity


  • Khyati Mothaliya M.D. Scholar, Dept. of Kriya sharir, National Institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur. Author
  • Omprakash Dadhich Professor and Head, Dept. of Kriya sharir, National Institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur. Author
  • Rakesh Chhimpa M.D. Scholar, Dept. of Kriya sharir, National Institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur. Author




Vyoshadi Guggulu, Bilwadi Kwath, Obesity, Sthoulya


Introduction-Obesity is a condition in which the  body weight disproportionate to height of a person. And this  is due to the deposition of fat over body. Worldwide  prevalence of obesity has been got tripled by 1975 to 2016.  Obesity can be correlated with Sthoulya as per Ayurvedic perspective. As obesity becomes as a threatening condition  around worldwide, it is indeed to find out an effective  Ayurvedic formulation to treat Sthoulya. Aims - The primary aim of this study was toassess and  compare the effects of Vyoshadi Guggulu and Bilwadi  Kwath inthe management of Sthoulya (Obesity) with the  help of physical parameters. Materials and Method-30 obese patients were enrolled who were randomly divided into three  groups, 10 obese patients in each group. In Group A,500mgVyoshadi Guggulu was given withluke warm water twice a day.In Group B 20ml Bilwadi Kwathwas givenwithmadhu twice a day and in Group C, Vyoshadi Guggulu (500 mg) twice a day with luke warm waterandBilwadi  Kwath(20 ml) twice a day with madhuwas given. Intervention was continuedfor 45 days with all  three groups. Total three visits were done at an interval of 15 days.Assessment was done for  reduction in weight (Kg) and Body Mass Index (B.M.I.) of all the subjectswho hadparticipated in  the study. Result-In weight, 5.86%relief was found in Group A; 2.54%relief was found in Group B  whereas 7.55% relief was obtained in Group C. In BMI, 6.53% relief was found in Group  A,3.70%relief was found in Group B while 8.45% relief was obtained in Group C. Conclusion-Thus it was concluded that administration of Vyoshadi Guggulu andBilwadi  Kwathtogether(Group C)has shown better result in reduction of weight (Kg) and B.M.I than the  interventions done in Group A and Group B respectively. 



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iiAgnivesha, Charaka, Drudhbala, e- Charakasamhita, CCRAS, Designed and developed by National Institute of Indian Medical Heritage, Hyderabad Sutrasthana 21/7(18-19). iiiHarisson’s -Principles of Internal Medicine, Braunwald, Kasper et.al.17’th Edition, New York:McGraw Hill;2008.

ivhttp://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs311/en/ , retrieved on 24/4/2019 vhttp://www.who.int/news-room/factsheets/detail/obesity-and-overweight retrieved on 21/04/2019

viAgnivesha, Charaka, Drudhbala, e- Charakasamhita, CCRAS, Designed and developed by National Institute of Indian Medical Heritage, Hyderabad Sutrasthana 21. viiAgnivesha, Charaka, Drudhbala, e- Charakasamhita, CCRAS, Designed and developed by National Institute of Indian Medical Heritage, Hyderabad Sutrasthana 15/ 30(32) viiiAgnivesha, Charaka, Drudhbala, e- Charakasamhita, CCRAS, Designed and developed by National Institute of Indian Medical Heritage, Hyderabad Sutrasthana 21, 4(5-9) ixPandey Gangasahay, editor. Pt. Kashinath Sastri Vidhyotini Hindi commentarator of Caraka Samhita of Agnivesa- 1nd volume, Sutra Sthana Astauninditiya Adhyaya chapter 21 verse5. Varanasi: Chaukumba Sanskrit Sansthan; 2006. p. 411.

xSushruta Samhita - Nibandhasangraha Commentary of Shri Dalhanacarya, Edited by Jadavaji Trikamji Acarya; Chaukhamba Orientalia Varanasi, Seventh Edition 2012. Sushruta Samhita Su.15/37

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xiii Vagbhat, Ashtanga Hridaya, Sarvangsundra and Ayurveda Rasayan Commentary of Arundutta and Hemadri, Bhisagacharya Pt. Hari Sadashiva Paradakara, Chaukhamba Surbharti Prakashan, Varanasi, 2014, Nidan Sthan.12/1

xivAgnivesha, Charaka, Drudhbala, e- Charakasamhita, CCRAS, Designed and developed by National Institute of Indian Medical Heritage, Hyderabad Sutrasthana 21/4 xvSushruta Samhita - Nibandhasangraha Commentary of Shri Dalhanacarya, Edited by Jadavaji Trikamji Acarya; Chaukhamba Orientalia Varanasi, Seventh Edition 2012. Sushruta Samhita Su.15/37

xviAshtanga Samgraha with Hindi Commentary, by Kaviraj Atrideva Gupta, Chowkhamba Krishnadas Academy, Reprint 2005, Vol. 1, Ashtanga Samgraha Su. 9/52




How to Cite

Mothaliya, K., Dadhich, O., & Chhimpa, R. (2020). A comparative clinical study on Vyoshadi Guggulu andBilwadi Kwath in the management of Sthoulyawith special reference to physical parameters of Obesity. International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 3(1), 12-25. https://doi.org/10.48165/