gridhrasi, Vata vikar, Sciatica, Ayurvedic medicineAbstract
Acharya Charak has described Gridhrasi with in Samanyaj vikars as well as 80 types of Vata nanatamaj Vikaras.Gridhrasi is a frequently encountered problem in the present era produced commonly due to the changed life style. Gridhrasi is characterized by severe pain which starts in the back and radiates down to one or both lower limb. It is prevalent all over the world. On the basis of the symptoms, Sciatica can be correlated with Gridhrasi. In this case study a patient with specific symtoms of gridhrasi is treated by the shaman chikitsa method with help of ayurvdic drugs one for oral administration and one oil for local application on the affected part regularly for a duration of 2 months.Before treatment patient was having very severe pain, stiffness, spandan (tingling sensation), difficulty in sitting and standing, SLR was 300 of affected side. After treatment patient got 76% relief in his symptoms.
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Yogratnakar vata vyadhi prakaran, vidyotini tika, Vaidyashrilakshmipati shastri, chaukhambha prakashan, varanashi
Vrihannighanturatnakar, hindi tika, shri dattaram shrikrishnalal mathur, khemraj shrikrishndas prakashan, Mumbai.