
  • Geeta Chopra PG Scholor, Prasuti Tantra evam Stree rog department Author
  • Soni Kapil Reader, Prasuti Tantra evam Stree rog department Author
  • Anil Bhardwaj Reader, department of panchakarma Author
  • Seema Shukla H.O.D., Prasuti Tantra evam Stree rog department Author




HRT, Virechana , Basti , Nasya, Takradhara


 Premature ovarian failure is defined as ovarian failure  before the age of forty. In modern medicine only hormonal  replacement therapy is available as treatment. HRT itself has its  own side- effects. So, we have selected patient who was on  hormonal pills since last 5-6 years on and off but didn’t get  relief despite of hormonal pills. A study was done in RGGPG  Hospital, Paprola. A Patient of 35 years, Primipara , who was  having complaint of irregular menses with scanty menses since  7-8years. Hot flushes, Insomnia since 5-6 years. Absence of  menses since 3 months. Associated complaints: Vaginal dryness, Dryness of skin, Stress incontinence, Hair fall and brittleness of nails. As the  disease is vatapitta predominant where symptoms like hot  flushes, sweating showing pittaj characteristic whereas Insomnia, depression, vaginal dryness, brittleness of nail showing vataj characteristic. So, we planned a treatment protocol after stopping  hormonal pills –virechana, basti, nasya, takradhara along with some oral medications. Where  virechan karma with haritaki churna and erand tail to alleviate pittaj symptoms. Basti (Niruha with dashmoola kwath) and uttarbasti with phalaghrita to alleviate vataj symptoms. Nasya  (Shodhan nasya with trikatu churana,Shaman nasya with sadbindu tail).Takradhara with amalaki, musta, takra . After shodhan chikitsa shaman chikitsa was continued .On evaluation of effect of  treatment –overall result was marked improvement in all the symptoms .Symptomatic relief  persisted even after 1 month of completion of panchkarma therapy. 



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Ambikadatt shastri ,Sushruta samhita of sushruta with AyurvedaTatva Sandipika Hindi commentary ,Edition reprint 2012, Sushruta Sutra chapter 35 verses 36

-Ayurvediya Prasuti tantra avum stree rog,first part ,proff.Premvati tiwari,chapter 2 ,commentary on status of doshas in these epochs of women’s life

Charak.samhita sutra sthan.13,14 -Table 5

Charak.siddhi .sthana -Table 5

Dr.D.V.Panditrav et al.translator,shasharsyogam hindi-sanskrit anuvad ,CCRAS 1990, New Delhi ,chapter-Dharakalp 13/15,page-521

Dravya guna vigyan by Acharya Priyavrit sharma –Table no 6




How to Cite

Chopra, G., Kapil, S., Bhardwaj, A., & Shukla, S. (2020). EFFECT OF PANCHKARMA ON PREMATURE. International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 3(2), 9-17. https://doi.org/10.48165/