
  • Kundu Debasis Assistant Professor department of Rachana Shareera, J.D.Ayurvedic Medical College & Hospital, Aligarh,U.P. Author



Srotas, srotomula, srotas, shukra, vrushna, sthana, majja dhatu, male reproductive organs


A healthy life with equally healthy and strong progeny has  been the cherished wish of man since antiquity. It will be  relevant to know now the basic concept of vajikarana and male  infertility. The branch of Ayurveda which deals with  management of defective semen and spermatogenesis along  with sexual potencification is called vajikarana tantra. Of the  two aspects of vajikarana procreation and recreation one or  other has been receiving emphasis from time to time according  to sociological condition.  On the level of anatomical consideration of shukravaha  srotas,Charak as well as Susruta and Vagbhata displays  different views. Other authorities of Ayurveda have given no  addition as new and the subject stands as controversial. Some  of the commentator of ayurvedic classics like Chakrapanidatta and Dalahana have envisage different aspect of shukravaha sraotas. Some of which are specific in their outlook but detail description are not available. However the identification in the body which answers to the available  description of shukravaha srotas should not be difficult and will not be out of place. Broadly  speaking the nervous, the hormonal and the reproductive elements all three form the part of  shukravaha srotas. Hence the study is under taken to understand the views of different acharays.  



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Charak samhita by Kasinath pandey Choukhambha Bharati Academy Varanasi,reprint 2013 ,Vimana sthana 5/7 pg:711

Susruta samhita by Ambika Dutta Sastri ,Choukhamba Sanskrit Sansthan ,Varanasi,reprint 2009 , Sharir sthana 9/12 pg: 97

Astanga samgraha by Ambika dutta sastri, Choukhamba Sanskrit sansthan ,Varanasi,reprint 2009 , Sharir sthana 6/18 pg: 57

Sharangadhar samhita by Smt Sailaeja Srivastava,Choukhamba Orientelia,Varanasi,Reprint 2011 ,Shareer Sthana . 1/5/48 page no: 44

Susruta samhita by Ambika Dutta Sastri ,Choukhamba Sanskrit sansthan ,Varanasi,reprint 2009 , Sharir sthana 9/7 pg: 94

Susruta samhita by Ambika Dutta Sastri ,Choukhamba Sanskrit sansthan ,Varanasi,reprint 2009 , Sharir sthana 9/5 pg: 94

Susruta samhita by Ambika Dutta Sastri ,Choukhamba Sanskrit sansthan ,Varanasi, reprint 2009 , Sharir sthana 9/7 pg: 94

Charak samhita by Kasinath Pandey Choukhambha Bharati academy Varanasi,reprint 2013 ,Vimana sthana 5/8 pg:712

Susruta samhita by Ambika Dutta Sastri ,Choukhamba Sanskrit sansthan ,Varanasi,reprint 2009 , Sharir sthana 9/13 pg: 97




How to Cite

Debasis , K. (2020). CONCEPTUAL STUDY OF SHUKRAVAHA SROTAS WITH ITS MULASTHANA. International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 3(2), 1-8.