Efficacy Of Ayurvedic Medicine And Yoga On Childhood Asthma W.S.R. To Tamaka Shwasa


  • Nandini Gupta M.D. Scholar, P.G. Department of Kaumarabhritya , S.A.C. & Hospital, Lucknow Author
  • Mithilesh Kumar Verma H.O.D of P.G. Department of Kaumarabhritya S.A.C. & Hospital, Lucknow Author




Tamaka shwasa, Bronchial Asthma, Shodhana, Shamana Chikista


Ayurveda is the major systems of indigenous medicines and  treatment. In ancient different kinds of Ayurvedic medicines were  discovered after continuous study like as observations, experiments,  trials and conclusions. Bronchial Asthma occurs due to many cause  e.g. environmental, racial, and behavior... Tamaka Shwasa is disease  according to Ayurvedic texts that shows close resemblance with  bronchial asthma on the basis of clinical manifestations. There is no  cure for Asthma as per the Conventional Medical Science. Ayurvedic medicines can be a potential and effective alternative for the  treatment against the bronchial asthma. Ayurvedic medicines are used for the treatment of disease  globally so that people all over the world can can keep faith on it on the basis of scientific  evidences. The present study was a review on the management of Tamaka- Shwasa (bronchial  asthma) through Ayurvedic approach that includes a combination of Ayurvedic drugs in Shodhana and Shamana chikitsa and lifestyle management. Ayurvedic drugs include the respiratory tonics  and naturally occurring bronchodilator and immune- modulator. Thus, study concluded that the  Shodhana, Shamana, herbal and herbo-minerals compound drug has got significant anti asthmatic  properties. 


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How to Cite

Gupta, N., & Verma, M. K. (2020). Efficacy Of Ayurvedic Medicine And Yoga On Childhood Asthma W.S.R. To Tamaka Shwasa. International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 3(3), 43-50. https://doi.org/10.48165/