Management Of Second-Degree Internal Haemorrhoid With Apamarga Pratisarneeya Teekshna Kshar- A Case Report


  • Shekhar Patel PG Scholar , PG Department of Shalya Tantra National Institute of Ayurveda ,Jaipur 302002 Rajasthan. Author
  • Shraddha Sahu PG Scholar , PG Department of Shalya Tantra National Institute of Ayurveda ,Jaipur 302002 Rajasthan. Author
  • Narinder Singh Associate Professor,PG Department of Shalya Tantra National Institute of Ayurveda ,Jaipur 302002 Author
  • P Hemantha Kumar Professor and HOD,PG Department of Shalya Tantra National Institute of Ayurveda ,Jaipur 302002 Rajasthan. Author



Arshas, second degree internal haemorrhoid, Kshara karm, Kshar-Pratisaaran


A 45-year male patient reported to Shalya Tantra OPD in National institute of Ayurveda Jaipur with  complaints of something coming out from anal verge since last 2 years with occasional bleeding in the form  of drops and splashes per-anum. After thorough examination the patient was tagged with the diagnosis of Arsha (Second degree internal haemorrhoid). The patient was Planned for kshara karma (Kshar Pratisaaran) on oct.10th 2018 with very encouraging outcome. Apamarga Pratisaraneeya teekshna kshara was found to be effective in the second-degree haemorrhoid mass within 21 days of application. After follow  up of 6 month no recurrence of any presenting complaint was observed.  


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How to Cite

Patel, S., Sahu, S., Singh, N., & Kumar, P.H. (2020). Management Of Second-Degree Internal Haemorrhoid With Apamarga Pratisarneeya Teekshna Kshar- A Case Report. International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 3(6), 73–79.