Study On The Efficacy Of Hydrotherapy For Katigraha In Elderly Population


  • Manish Mahajan PG scholar, Department of Swasthavritta and Yoga , Bharti Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be University) college of Ayurveda Pune Author
  • R P Patwardhan Professor and HOD, Department of Swasthavritta and Yoga , Bharti Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be University) college of Ayurveda Pune Author



Hydrotherapy (hot lumbar pack and hip bath), Katigraha


Katigraha is a common complaint encountered in every stratum of society, occupation, and racial groups. It is  widely prevalent in these days due to sedentary living habits and hazardous work patterns. In Ayurvedic literature we find references regarding Katishoola, Trikashola, Trikavedana, Katigraha. In which pain in the  low back region forms the main symptom, depending upon the involved area. Hydrotherapy is one of the oldest  known therapies. Sebastian Kneipp(1821-97)4 believed that water is having the property to dissolve, strengthen  and removes the diseased matter from the body and strengthen the body by restoring cleansed blood to the  tissues. So by using water in different treatment procedures, one can help to remove the toxic material and to  get maximum circulation to that particular area. Hence for treating Katigraha water is used to remove the toxic  material and to get maximum circulation to that particular area. By which we can relive the spasm of muscles  and the main symptoms of Katigraha which includes restricted spinal movements. This paper reports  randomised clinical study evaluating the effect of hydrotherapy. The selected patients were thoroughly  examined subjectively, detailed general history and physical examination findings were noted. Hydrotherapy  has a significant effect in reduction of ruja, and different movements flexion, extension, left and right lateral  movements. 


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Shri Bhishagranatha Pandit, Shri Brahma Shankar Mishra, Bhava Mishra, Bhava Prakasha with Hindi Commentary by Pg. 24 : 115

Chakrapanidatta Charaka (2000), Charaka Samhita With ‘Ayurveda Dipika’, Varanasi,Chowkambha, Surabharati Prakashana, Chikitsa Sthan 28: 26

Dr. Ganesh Krushna garde,Ashtang Hriday Varanasi,Chowkambha, Surabharati Prakashana, Sutra Sthan. 15 : 07

Kneipp, Sebastian (1894-01-01). My Water-cure: Tested for More Than 35 Years and Published for the Cure of Diseases and the Preservation of Health. J. Koesel.

Kellogg, John Harvey (1876). Rational Hydrotherapy Part III, p. 812

Kellogg, John Harvey (1876). Rational Hydrotherapy. Part III, p. 769




How to Cite

Mahajan, M., & Patwardhan, R. P. (2020). Study On The Efficacy Of Hydrotherapy For Katigraha In Elderly Population. International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 3(6), 54-62.