A review on Effect of Lifestyle Changes and Yoga in the Prevention of Madhumeha


  • Milind Godbole Dean & Professor Yeshwant Ayurved College PGT & RC, Kodoli, Kolhapur, Maharashtra. Author
  • Kalpana Jadhav HOD & Associate Professor, Department of Swasthavritta, Yeshwant Ayurved College PGT & RC, Kodoli, Kolhapur, Maharashtra. Author
  • Shubhangi Kodag PG Schoolar, Department of Swasthavritta, Yeshwant Ayurved College PGT & RC, Kodoli, Kolhapur, Maharashtra. Author




Diabetes, Yoga, Lifestyle, Asanas, Pranayam


Ayurveda describes the importance of preventive aspects of health rather than curative. For this Ayurveda  describes the concept of Dincharya, Ritucharya, and Sadvritta as well as established guidelines for healthy  lifestyle. Diabetes is lifestyle disorder that can be managed by medical treatment. Lifestyle intervention  and yoga may play a significant role in management of weight, controlling blood glucose level. As yoga  including asanas and pranayam provide an ideal care for prevention and management of Madhumeha. 


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How to Cite

Godbole, M., Jadhav, K., & Kodag, S. (2020). A review on Effect of Lifestyle Changes and Yoga in the Prevention of Madhumeha. International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 3(7), 177-182. https://doi.org/10.48165/