An Ultrasonography Based Survey Study To Understand The Importance Of Vata In Pathogenesis Of Pain W.S.R. To Phrase “Vatadrite Nasti Ruja”


  • Archana Singh Assistant Professor, Dept. of Roga Evam Vikriti Vijnana, Govt. Ayurveda College Rewa.(MP) Author
  • Ashutosh Dwivedi Assistant Professor, Department of Swasthvritta & Yoga, Govt. Ayurveda College Rewa.(MP) Author
  • Rekha Shrivastava Associate Professor, Rog Nidan Evam Vikriti Vigyan, SCPM Ayurvedic College & Hospital, Gonda (U.P.) Author



Vata, Ruja, Anshsansha Kalpana Pain, USG


Introduction: Pain is the commonest presenting symptom and Vata is considered as the main  causative factor of pain according to Ayurveda. There are various shades of pain described in Ayurveda like  Stambha (stiffness), Gaurava (heaviness), Chatita (cracking type of pain), Udvestana (cramp), Sparsha-Asahatva  (tenderness), Pipilika-Sarpati-Ev (numbness), Vrikkashula (renal-colic), Sphurana (fasciculation), Kartana  (cutting pain), Toda (pricking pain), Daha (burning pain), Graha (stiffness), Sankocha (contraction), Bheda  (tearing pain) etc.  Objective: The present study was done to evaluate the pathological aspect of Vata in context of pain.  Material & Method: To reveal the factors, survey study was done on 500 patients presenting with pain as one of  the chief complaints at NIA, OPD & IPD. 170 patients out of these 500 were assessed on the basis of USG and  classified according to the Ayurvedic descriptions of pain.  Result: Stambha (28.6%), Gaurava(23%), Chatita (17.4%), Sankocha (8%), Vrikkashoola (4.2%) followed by  Toda (4%) were commonly observed in the population of 500 patients, whereas, USG revealed PID (21%) as the  major cause of pain and showed Gaurava (11.74), Chatita (4.7%) type of pain followed by Stambha (1.76%) &  Udvestana (1.76%). Vrikka shoola (12.35%) was the second leading cause of pain.  Conclusion: Vitiation of Vata either due to Avarana or due to Dhatukshaya has been identified as the leading cause  of pain, and various types of pain are due to vitiation of different Guna of Vata Dosha. So it can be concluded that treatment strategy of any type of pain should be fixated on the basis of Anshsansha Kalpana of Vata Dosha  


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How to Cite

Singh, A., Dwivedi, A., & Shrivastava, R. (2020). An Ultrasonography Based Survey Study To Understand The Importance Of Vata In Pathogenesis Of Pain W.S.R. To Phrase “Vatadrite Nasti Ruja”. International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 3(09), 236-248.