Hypothyroidism And Stress- A Review Article


  • Sujata MD Scholar, PG dept. of Panchakrama, Ch. Brahm Prakash Charak Ayurveda Sansthan, Khera Dabar, New Delhi Author
  • Divya Gupta MD Scholar, PG dept. of Panchakrama, Ch. Brahm Prakash Charak Ayurveda Sansthan, Khera Dabar, New Delhi Author
  • Arun Gupta Head of the department, PG dept. of Panchakrama, Ch. Brahm Prakash Charak Ayurveda Sansthan, Khera Dabar, New Delhi Author




Hypothyroidism, Agni, Shodhan, Shaman, Stress


Due to modernization and increased stress in daily life, life style have been changed which  results into many endocrinal diseases, Hypothyroidism is one among them. Stress plays a major role in  hypothyroidism pathogenesis. In Samhitas there is no direct reference of hypothyroidism but due to increased  stress in our routine life it alters hypothalamus-pituitary-thyroid axis activity. In contemporary system of  medicine, the drug of choice for Hypothyroidism is levothyroxine. Side effects of these drugs are increased  hunger, muscle weakness, irregular periods, diarrhoea, excessive sweating, fever, hair loss, etc. In Ayurveda there  is not any direct reference of chikitsa of hypothyroidism but it can be managed by using stress relieving and kapha vatahar chikitsa like shirodhara, abhyanga, various medhya rasyana. Laughter therapy and yoga also plays  a major role in reducing stress. This study was carried out using through various ayurvedic classical text, pubmed,  google scholar as well as available modern literature, collected data and observation were presented in a scientific  manner. The review will be beneficial to understand the pathogenesis of hypothyroidism and modify the line of  treatment of disease


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How to Cite

Sujata, Gupta, D., & Gupta, A. (2020). Hypothyroidism And Stress- A Review Article. International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 3(09), 284-296. https://doi.org/10.48165/