Critical Review On Nasya Karma


  • Ganesh T Aher Associate Professor, Department of Panchakarma,Siddhakala Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Sangamner, Dist. Ahmednagar,Maharashtra. Author
  • Deepak K Dobade Assistant Professor, Department of Rachana Sharir, Siddhakala Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Sangamner, Dist. Ahmednagar, Maharashtra. Author



Nasya, Panchakarma, Nasal cavity, Shira, Doshas


Nasya karma is the special Panchakarma procedure where the drug is administered  through Nasal Route. The medicated drug that is put into nostril moves in the channels up to the sringataka  marma(Sira Marma) and spreads to whole of the interior of the head(Brain) and to the junction where all  the channels related to the eyes, ears, oropharynx situated together thus shows influence on shiras by  removing out the accumulated vitiated doshas localised in shiras of all sinuses in the skull.This action of  Nasya karma is known as sirovirechana. According to Vagbhatacharya the nasal passage is considered as  the Channel for head (brain) i.. e “Nasa Hi Siraso Dwaram’’. Therefore, Nasya Karma pacify all  accumulated doshas and related diseases. Nasya Karma is a therapeutic procedure in which the medicated  oils, Swarasa, Kwatha or Churna is administered through nasal cavity to eliminate the vitiated Doshas situated in Sira (Brain) for the treatment of urdhwa Jatrugata Vikar. The First Cranial nerve (olfactory  nerves) are connected with the higher centers of the brain i.e., limbic system which contains amygdaloidal  complex, hypothalamus and basal ganglia. so, the drugs administered through nose stimulate the higher  centers of brain which in turn alters the endocrine and Central nervous system functions, by controlling the  doshas. The medicated drug also enters into the systemic circulation, intracranial region by lymphatic and  Vascular Pathway. The present review article is compiled from many articles and research papers collected  from different websites along with related materials from ancient ayurvedic classics.


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How to Cite

Aher, G. T., & Dobade, D. K. (2020). Critical Review On Nasya Karma. International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 3(10), 235-243.