Ayurvedic Concept Of Hair And Its Management


  • MANINDER KOUR Associate Proffessor ,Deptt. Of Sharir Kriya, Kalawati Ayurvedic Medical College & Hospital , Kasganj, U.P. Author




kesh, mala, khalitya


In Ayurveda human body is made up of seven dhatus. The production of next (utro-utar dhatu) dhatu is  from the former dhatu by the function of their respective dhatvagni like rasagni acts on ahara rasa and turn  it into rasa dhatu like wise raktagni converts some part of ras dhatu into rakta dhatu and so on. Hairs are  mala of aasthi dhatu. Its important to nourish aasthi dhatu for health hairs. khalitya roga described under  the heading of kshudra roga (minor disease) or shiroroga (diseases of head & scalp). It is progressing  disorder people living in sedentary ways of life, stress induced ,hectic schedules. Ayurveda science has  already described how to take care of our hair by using herbal drugs. 


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Sharangdhar Samhita

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How to Cite

KOUR, M. (2020). Ayurvedic Concept Of Hair And Its Management. International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 3(10), 212-217. https://doi.org/10.48165/