Clinical Indications of Pravala panchamrita rasa - An experiential and scientific view


  • Acharya G Shripathi Director Academic and WHO Collaborator Muniyal Institute of Ayurveda Medical Sciences Manipal India Author
  • Rajeshwari S Acharya Miss Rajeshwari S Acharya SDM College of Ayurveda Udupi , India Author



Pravala panchamrita rasa, Ayurveda, Kharaliya rasayana


Introduction- Herbo mineral formulations are widely practiced in modern India. Mostly chronic and non communicable disorders are better managed by Ayurveda medicine . Pravala panchamrita rasa is one  such rasashastriya formulation which is commonly used in pittaja disorders .  Aim and Objective- To study and evaluate the clinical indications of Pravala panchamrita rasa in an  experiencial and scientific view. Methods- Relevant refferences are taken from samhitas, sangraha granthas, contemporary literature, journals , internet, and from personal experiences. Discussion - Pravala panchamrita rasa is one such preparation which is commonly used in tha treatment  of pittaja disorders. Urodaha, Udaradaha, Amlapitta , Gudadaha, bhrama and in udarashoola it is more  effective . It not only releives signs and symptoms but also suppliments Calcium in the body.  Conclusion- Pravala panchamrita rasa is a Kharaliya rasayana which is commonly used in pittaja  disorders . There are least side effects even after its prolonged usage.  


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How to Cite

Shripathi , A. G., & Acharya, R. S. (2020). Clinical Indications of Pravala panchamrita rasa - An experiential and scientific view. International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 3(11), 181-185.