Imperative Secretes Of Comestibles In Ayurveda W.S.R. To Ashta Ahara Vidhi Visheshayatana.


  • Neha Jolly PG Scholar, Department of Swasthavritta and Yoga, National Institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur302002, Rajasthan. Author
  • Punita Sharma PG Scholar, Department of Sharir Kriya, National Institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur302002, Rajasthan. Author
  • Kashinath Samagandi Associate Professor, Department of Swasthavritta and Yoga, National Institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur302002, Rajasthan Author



Astha ahara vidhi visheshayatana, Comestibles, Dietetics, Food processing


Annam Vritikaranam Shrestam” Ahara is the most essential demand necessary for the  sustenance of human life. Food acts as a spur for body development, transformation and health maintenance.  Ancient classics emphasize the importance of wholesome food responsible for the complexion, pleasant  voice, longevity, nourishment, and happiness of the human. Ahara is one of the significant Upastambha of  the body that mainly pivot on the knowledge of dietetics. Congenial and uncongenial effects of food depend  upon these eight factors of diet defined as Astha Ahara Vidhi Visheshayatana .If the rules and regulations  explained under these factors, adopted properly will result in well being of the person otherwise leads to the  manifestation of varied diseases. Acharyas has explained the eight factors of diet, determining the detergence  of Ahara . The present paper highlighting the concept of Astha Ahara Vidhi Visheshayatana and also throws  light on the significance of Food nature, Food processing methods, Tropology, Quantity of food intake, and  Rules of eating.  


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Pandit kashinath shastry,Charaka samhita, sutra sthana of agnivesha revised by charaka and drudabala with the Ayurveda deepika commentary of chakra panidutta and with vidyuthani hindi commentary ,written, Varanasi edition 2002 published by chaukhamba Sanskrit samsthan, chapter 11 page no.227verse 35.

Pandit kashinath shastry ,Charaka samhita, sutra sthana of agnivesha revised by charaka and drudabala with the Ayurveda deepika commentary of chakra panidutta and with vidyuthani hindi commentary ,written, Varanasi edition 2002 published by chaukhamba Sanskrit samsthan, chapter 27 page no.566verse 347.

kaviraj deva gupta, Sushruta samhita, chikitsa sthana,of maharshi sushruta edited ayurveda tattva,sandeepika Varanasi, edition 2010,chaukambaprakashana chapter no.24 page no.136 verse 68.

Ravi dutt tripathi Ashtangasamgrah ,sutrasthana of vridh vagbata, edition 2003 chaukambaprakashana, ,chapter no.10 page no.214verse no.3.

Charaka samhita, sutra sthana of agnivesha revised by charaka and drudabala with the Ayurveda deepika commentary of chakra panidutta and with vidyuthani hindi commentary ,written by pandit kashinath shastry, published by chaukhamba Sanskrit samsthan, Varanasi edition 2002 chapter 28 page no.568verse 3.

Pandit kashinath shastry Charaka samhita, vimana sthana of agnivesha revised by charaka and drudabala with the Ayurveda deepika commentary of chakra panidutta and with vidyuthani hindi commentary ,written, Varanasi edition 2002 published by chaukhamba Sanskrit samsthan, chapter 1 page no.680verse 21.

Pandit kashinath shastry Charaka samhita, vimana sthana of agnivesha revised by charaka and drudabala with the Ayurveda deepika commentary of chakra panidutta and with vidyuthani

hindi commentary ,written, Varanasi edition 2002 published by chaukhamba Sanskrit samsthan, chapter 1 page no.680verse 21/1.

pandit kashinath shastry Charaka samhita, vimana sthana of agnivesha revised by charaka and drudabala with the Ayurveda deepika commentary of chakra panidutta and with vidyuthani hindi commentary ,written, Varanasi edition 2002 published by chaukhamba Sanskrit samsthan, chapter 1 page no.680verse 21/2.

kaviraj deva gupta,Sushruta samhita,sutra sthana,of maharshi sushruta edited ayurveda tattva,sandeepika, Varanasi, edition 2010 chaukambaprakashana chapter no.46page no.243 verse 15.

pandit kashinath shastry Charaka samhita, sutra sthana of agnivesha revised by charaka and drudabala with the Ayurveda deepika commentary of chakra panidutta and with vidyuthani hindi commentary , Varanasi edition 2002 published by chaukhamba Sanskrit samsthan, chapter 26 page no518verse 82.

pandit kashinath shastry Charaka samhita, vimana sthana of agnivesha revised by charaka and drudabala with the Ayurveda deepika commentary of chakra panidutta and with vidyuthani hindi commentary , Varanasi edition 2002 published by chaukhamba Sanskrit samsthan, chapter 1 page no.681verse 21/4.

pandit kashinath shastry Charaka samhita, sutra sthana of agnivesha revised by charaka and drudabala with the Ayurveda deepika commentary of chakra panidutta and with vidyuthani hindi commentary , Varanasi edition 2002 , published by chaukhamba Sanskrit samsthan, Varanasi edition 2002 chapter 5 page no105verse7- 8.

Dr bulusu sitaram Ashtanga hridaya of vagbhata ,commentary, Varanasi 2008 ,published by chaukhambha orientalia sutrasthan chapter no.26 page no.190 verse 85.

pandit kashinath shastry Charaka samhita, vimana sthana of agnivesha revised by charaka and drudabala with the Ayurveda deepika commentary of chakra panidutta and with vidyuthani hindi commentary , Varanasi edition 2002 published by chaukhamba Sanskrit samsthan, chapter 1 page no.681verse 21/5.

pandit kashinath shastry Charaka samhita, sutra sthana of agnivesha revised by charaka and drudabala with the Ayurveda deepika commentary of chakra panidutta and with vidyuthani hindi commentary , Varanasi edition 2002 , published by chaukhamba Sanskrit samsthan, chapter 6 page no149verse 50.

Charaka samhita, vimana sthana of agnivesha revised by charaka and drudabala with the Ayurveda deepika commentary of chakra panidutta and with vidyuthani hindi commentary , Varanasi edition 2002 , published by chaukhamba Sanskrit samsthan, Varanasi edition 2002 chapter 1 page no.682verse 21/6.

pandit kashinath shastry Charaka samhita, chikitsa sthana of agnivesha revised by charaka and drudabala with the Ayurveda deepika commentary of chakra panidutta and with vidyuthani hindi commentary , Varanasi edition 2002 , published by chaukhamba Sanskrit samsthan, Varanasi edition 2002 chapter 3 page no179verse 178.

pandit kashinath shastry Charaka samhita, vimana sthana of agnivesha revised by charaka and drudabala with the Ayurveda deepika commentary of chakra panidutta and with vidyuthani hindi commentary , Varanasi edition 2002 , published by chaukhamba Sanskrit samsthan, Varanasi edition 2002 chapter 1 page no.682verse 21/7.

pandit kashinath shastry Charaka samhita, vimana sthana of agnivesha revised by charaka and drudabala with the Ayurveda deepika commentary of chakra panidutta and with vidyuthani hindi commentary ,written, published by chaukhamba Sanskrit samsthan, Varanasi edition 2002 chapter 1 page no.682verse 21/22.




How to Cite

Jolly, N., Sharma, P., & Samagandi, K. (2021). Imperative Secretes Of Comestibles In Ayurveda W.S.R. To Ashta Ahara Vidhi Visheshayatana. International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 3(12), 190-203.